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Ansible Role :bar_chart: :boom: Phoronix

Galaxy Role GitHub release (latest by date) License: MIT

Table of Contents

Ansible role that installs and configures Phoronixi-Test-Suite (PTS): a comprehensive & extensible testing and benchmarking platform for a range of hardware and machine subsystems.

Supported Platforms:
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Ubuntu


Requires the unzip/gtar utility to be installed on the target host. See ansible unarchive module notes for details.

Role Variables

Variables are available and organized according to the following software & machine provisioning stages:

  • install
  • config
  • launch
  • uninstall


The following variables can be customized to control various aspects of this installation process, ranging from the package version or archive to download and install to the collection of system information and capabilites of targeted hosts:

install_type: <package | archive> (default: archive)

  • package: supported by Debian and Redhat distributions, package installation of PTS pulls the specified package from the respective package management repository.

package_name: <package-name-and-version> (default: phoronix-test-suite[-latest])

  • name and version of the phoronix-test-suite package to download and install. Reference or run something like dnf --showduplicates list phoronix-test-suite in a terminal to display a list of available packages for your platform.

    • Note that the installation directory is determined by the package management system and currently defaults to under /usr/bin for all distros.
  • archive: compatible with both tar and zip formats, archived installation binaries can be obtained from local and remote compressed archives either from the official releases index or those generated from development/custom sources.

install_dir: </path/to/installation/dir> (default: /opt/phoronix)

  • path on target host where the PTS binaries should be extracted to. ONLY relevant when install_type is set to archive

archive_url: <path-or-url-to-archive> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a compressed tar or zip archive containing ansible binaries. This method technically supports installation of any available version of phoronix-test-suite. Links to official versions can be found here. ONLY relevant when install_type is set to archive

inspect_system: <true | false> (default: true)

  • load PTS gathered system information about the target host. Information consists of:
    • general system details and diagnostic info
    • attached sensor capabilities
    • networking configuration


...description of configuration related vars...


When operating in autopilot mode ONLY, execution of PTS test suites and individual or groups of tests runs is accomplished using the systemd service management tool. Launched as background processes or daemons subject to the configuration and execution potential provided by the underlying systemd Service management framework, each test run can be executed within an environment according to specific run requirements and/or operator specifications as well as operated in parallel or sequentially based on a defined order.

The following variables can be adjusted to manage these execution policies.

default_run_asynchronous: <true | false> (default: false)

  • whether to run configured tests asynchronously and in parallel on a particular host by default or execute synchronously waiting for each test to finish prior to starting the next. Otherwise, defer to run preference.

default_autopilot: <true | false> (default: false)

  • automatically execute a test/benchmarking run, from installation to results reporting, using provided operator configurations by default. Otherwise, defer to run preference.

[user_configs: <config-entry>: test_runs: <test-entry>:] unit_properties: <hash> (default: {})

  • hash of settings used to customize the [Service] unit configuration and execution environment of the test run systemd service.
   - user: devops
         SaveResults: true
     - name: pts/compress-gzip
         test_results_name: test-compress-results
         # Automatically restart and continue test run on failure - *note*: reuse of `test_results_name` defined above
         Restart: on-failure
         ExecReload: phoronix-test-suite finish-run test-compress-results
         # Run helper post execution script to convert test results to json and store in file for upload
         ExecStopPre: /usr/bin/ test-compress-results
         ExecStopPost: "aws s3 cp /opt/phoronix/test-compress-results.results.json s3://benchmark_results/"


Support for uninstalling and removing artifacts necessary for provisioning allows for users/operators to return a target host to its configured state prior to application of this role. This can be useful for recycling nodes and roles and perhaps providing more graceful/managed transitions between tooling upgrades.

The following variable(s) can be customized to manage this uninstall process:

perform_uninstall: <true | false> (default: false)

  • whether to uninstall and remove all artifacts and remnants of this phoronix-test-suite installation on a target host (see: handlers/main.yml for details)



Example Playbook

default example:

- hosts: benchmark-nodes
  - role: 0x0I.phoronix



Author Information

This role was created in 2019 by O1.IO.


phoronix-test-suite, a comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform

ansible-galaxy install 0x0I/ansible-role-phoronix
GitHub repository