
Ansible Role: splunk-forwarder

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This role will deploy the Splunk universal forwarder.


This role is tested on Ubuntu 22.04 & 20.04, Oracle Linux 8 & 9, AmazonLinux 2023, and Debian 12 but should probably work on any systemd based system. The previous version of this role is available as a tag (v1.0)

Role Variables


For most people, the default variables that are set should be fine, but there are use cases for changing them. They are:

 splunk_forwarder_user                                  # Default User (splunk)
 splunk_forwarder_group                                 # Default Group (splunk)
 splunk_forwarder_uid                                   # Default UID (10011)
 splunk_forwarder_gid                                   # Default GID (10011)
 splunk_release                                         # Default Release Version (7.1.3)
 splunk_url                                             # Default Download URL              
 splunk_forwarder_rpm                                   # Default Splunk RPM Name
 splunk_forwarder_deb                                   # Default Splunk Deb Name
 splunk_rpm                                             # Default RPM Full URL
 splunk_deb                                             # Default Deb Full URL
 splunk_deb_checksum                                    # Default Deb Checksum
 splunk_rpm_checksum                                    # Default RPM Checksum
 splunk_forwarder_input_blacklist                       # Default blacklist for inputs.conf
 splunk_forwarder_manage_inputs                         # Default whether to manage inputs.conf (true)
 splunk_forwarder_manage_ouputs                         # Default whether to manage ouputs.conf (true)
 splunk_forwarder_install_with_package_manager          # Default whether to use a package manager (false)
 splunk_forwarder_packages                              # Default package manager packages ([splunkforwarder])
 splunk_forwarder_cpu_shares                            # Default CPUShares for the systemd startup file
 splunk_forwarder_memory_limits                         # Default MemoryLimit for the systemd startup file

Playbook Variables

Within your playbook, you should set the following variables:

splunk_forwarder_admin_user:    # Set the administrative user for the forwarder
splunk_forwarder_admin_pass:    # Set the administrative password for the forwarder
splunk_forwarder_depl_server:   # Set to the URL:Port of your splunk deployment server i.e. "splunk-mgt:8089" (optional)
splunk_forwarder_indexer:       # Set to the URL:PORT of your splunk indexer i.e. "splunk-indexer:9997"
splunk_forwarder_index:         # Set to the index that the forwarder should use i.e. "default"
splunk_forwarder_sourcetype:    # Set the Source type i.e. "nginx"

You also need to set what logs to forward. You can do so using a list:

  - /var/log/nginx/access.log
  - /var/log/nginx/error.log


You must have a splunk indexer running in your environment.

Example Playbook

You should define the required variables in your playbook and call the role:

- hosts: nginx
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: True
    splunk_forwarder_indexer: "splunk-indexer:9997"
    splunk_forwarder_index: "prodapps"
    splunk_forwarder_sourcetype: "nginx"
      - /var/log/nginx/access.log
      - /var/log/nginx/error.log
      - splunk-forwarder

If you want to run this against an AmazonLinux instances, add the following to your playbook, otherwise it will fail.:

   - set_fact: ansible_distribution_major_version=6
     when: ansible_distribution == "Amazon" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "NA"



Author Information

Mark Honomichl aka AustinCloudGuru Created in 2016


Installs the Splunk Forwarder

ansible-galaxy install AustinCloudGuru/ansible-role-splunk-forwarder
GitHub repository