Ansible Role: Comcast.sdkman
An Ansible role that performs the following functions:
- Install SDKMAN
- Install/uninstall SDKMAN-managed software candidates
- Set SDK version defaults
- Manage the SDKMAN configuration file:
- Flush the SDKMAN caches
Warning: Oracle has made it increasingly difficult to install their JDKs, which has impeded the ability to install them via SDKMAN. Consider using the OpenJDK instead or installing/managing the Oracle JDK by other means.
Role Variables
See the defaults for a description of each overrideable variable.
Example Playbook
Here's an example!
- hosts: servers
- role: Comcast.sdkman
sdkman_user: vagrant
sdkman_group: vagrant
sdkman_auto_answer: true
sdkman_update: true
- { candidate: groovy, version: 1.8.9 }
- { candidate: java, version: 8.0.202-zulu }
- { candidate: gradle, version: '3.5' }
- { candidate: gradle, version: 2.14.1 }
- { candidate: maven, version: 3.5.0 }
- { candidate: maven, version: 3.3.9 }
# Use this syntax if you want SDKMAN to be aware of packages installed *without* SDKMAN, e.g. Oracle JDKs
- { candidate: java, version: 1.8.0-oracle, localpath: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk }
gradle: '3.5'
maven: 3.3.9
java: 8.0.202-zulu
- temp
- archives
- broadcast
- candidates
- temp
sdkman_offline_mode: false
- candidate: java
name: java
link: /usr/bin/java
- candidate: java
name: javac
link: /usr/bin/javac
Additional Notes
If you want to skip any steps that require privilege escalation (i.e. sudo
commands), this role has tagged those tasks with the sdkman_privilege
Pass the --skip-tags
flag on the command-line with this tag in order to
bypass any steps that may have already been completed by your system
administrator (e.g. installing system packages).
Testing this role with Alpine Linux has been an uphill battle. The more
recent JDK builds (>-11) available through SDKMAN are not compatible with
Alpine. Instead, it is recommended to install a JDK/JRE through the apk
package repository. This all being said, I'm currently unsure how well
SDKMAN packages run on Alpine. Your mileage may vary. You have been warned.
Author Information
An Ansible role that installs/manages SDKMAN
ansible-galaxy install Comcast.sdkman