
Ansible Role: Checkpointz


Ansible role that will install, configure and runs Checkpointz in Docker: An Ethereum beacon chain checkpoint sync provider

Table of Contents

Supported Platforms

  • MacOS
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
  • Amazon


  • Docker Latest

Role Variables:

All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file. The variables that are listed with just their ENV variable name as the description are corresponded by the ansible variable to set if you want to change it from the default which will be inserted into the config at run-time. Please refer to the checkpointz docs for more information

Name Default Value Description
checkpointz_upstream_nodes [] Specify upstream beacon nodes to use. List of JSON dictionaries with "name", "address" and "dataProvider" keys. See config
checkpointz_version "latest" Version of checkpointz to install and run. All available versions are listed on the checkpointz README page. Omit the 'v' in the version. e.g. 1.4.0
checkpointz_user "checkpointz" User to be created to run
checkpointz_group "checkpointz" Group to be created to run
checkpointz_container_name "checkpointz" Docker-Compose container name
checkpointz_base_dir "/opt/checkpointz" Location to store config.yaml and docker-compose.yaml on host
checkpointz_listen_addr 5555 Listen addr
checkpointz_logging "debug" Logging level
checkpointz_metrics_addr 9090 Logging level
checkpointz_mode "full" Sync mode. Full or Light
checkpointz_caches_blocks_max_items 200 Controls the amount of "block" items that can be stored by Checkpointz (minimum 3)
checkpointz_caches_states_max_items 5 Controls the amount of "state" items that can be stored by Checkpointz
checkpointz_historical_epoch_count 20 Controls the amount of historical epoch boundaries that Checkpointz will fetch and serve
checkpointz_frontend_brand_image_url "" Brand Image to show on frontend
checkpointz_frontend_brand_name "" Brand name to show on frontend
checkpointz_frontend_public_url "" Public URL where frontend will be served from

Example Playbook

  1. Default setup: Install the role from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install consensys.checkpointz

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use from the checkpointz releases page

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: consensys.checkpointz
      checkpointz_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml
  1. Install via github
ansible-galaxy install git+

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use from the checkpointz releases page

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: ansible-role-checkpointz
      checkpointz_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml



Author Information

Consensys, 2022


An Ethereum beacon chain checkpoint sync provider

ansible-galaxy install ConsenSys/ansible-role-checkpointz
GitHub repository
Consensys is the software engineering leader of the blockchain space. Our full-stack Ethereum products help developers build next-generation networks.