
Ansible Role: lighthouse


Ansible role that will install, configure and runs lighthouse:

Table of Contents

Supported Platforms

* MacOS
* Debian
* Ubuntu
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Amazon


  • Docker

Role Variables:

All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file. By and large these variables are configuration options. Please refer to the lighthouse docs for more information

Name Default Value Description
lighthouse_version unset REQUIRED Version of lighthouse to install and run.
lighthouse_user lighthouse lighthouse user
lighthouse_group lighthouse lighthouse group
lighthouse_base_dir /opt/lighthouse Path to install to
lighthouse_config_dir /etc/lighthouse Path for default configuration
lighthouse_data_dir /opt/lighthouse/data Path for data directory
lighthouse_log_dir /var/log/lighthouse Path for logs directory
lighthouse_log_level "info" Log level
lighthouse_log_max_size 25 Log file size in MB to trigger rotation
lighthouse_log_max_number 14 Number of rotated log files to retain
lighthouse_network mainnet Predefined network configuration
lighthouse_jwt_auth_file "/etc/jwt-secret.hex" Path of the JWT file
lighthouse_enable_doppelganger_protection True Doppleganger protection enabled by default
lighthouse_validator_enabled "False" Whether to run in validator mode - please note that the secrets and keys need to be copied by you
lighthouse_execution_urls "" The elc execution url
lighthouse_validator_beaconnodes "http://lighthouse-beacon:9596" The beacon endpoint for the validator to use
lighthouse_checkpoint_sync_url "https://beaconstate-{{lighthouse_network}}" Checkpoint sync to speed things up
lighthouse_default_fee_recipient "" The default fee recepient address
lighthouse_disable_deposit_contract_sync True The deposit_contract_sync for validators
lighthouse_keystores_dir "/config/keys" The keys directory for validators
lighthouse_secrets_dir "/config/secrets" The secrets directory for validators


Please note that you must put your own secrets and keys in the config directory that you are using ie lighthouse_config_dir

Example Playbook

  1. Default setup: Install the role from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install consensys.lighthouse

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: consensys.lighthouse
      lighthouse_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml
  1. Install via github
ansible-galaxy install git+

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: ansible-role-lighthouse
      lighthouse_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml



Author Information

Consensys, 2023


lighthouse is an open-source ethereum 2 client

ansible-galaxy install ConsenSys/ansible-role-lighthouse
GitHub repository
Consensys is the software engineering leader of the blockchain space. Our full-stack Ethereum products help developers build next-generation networks.