

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

DEPRECATED Please use CyVerse-Ansible.irods-cfg to generate irods_environment.json file for server.

This role creates an irods_environment.json file. It can create both the client form for use by iCommands, iRODS FUSE client, etc., as well as the server form used by the iRODS servers.

It was originally created to generate environment files for iRODS 4.1.10, but it will likely work for any iRODS 4.1.x version.



Role Variables

Here are the role variables. None of them are required.

Variable Default Choices Comments
irods_env_for_server false whether or not the file is for a server
irods_env_file ansible_env.HOME/.irods/irods_environment.json the absolute path to the iRODS environment file to create
irods_env_sys_user_name ansible_env.USER the system user that will be using the iRODS environment file
irods_env_sys_group_name irods_env_sys_user_name the primary group of the system user that will be using the iRODS environment file
irods_env_authentication_file fully qualified path to a file holding the credentials of an authenticated iRODS user
irods_env_authentication_scheme gsi, krb, native, pam user's authentication method
irods_env_client_server_negotiation none, request_server_negotiation whether or not advanced negotiation is desired
irods_env_client_server_policy CS_NEG_DONT_CARE, CS_NEG_REFUSE, CS_NEG_REQUIRE which SSL policy to use
irods_env_control_plane_port the port on which the control plane operates
irods_env_control_plane_key the encryption key required for communicating with the grid control plane
irods_env_cwd the initial working collection
irods_env_debug desired verbosity of the debug logging level
irods_env_default_hash_scheme MD5, SHA256 checksum scheme
irods_env_default_resource the name of the resource used for iRODS operations if one is not specified
irods_env_encryption_algorithm EVP-supplied encryption algorithm for parallel transfer and control plane
irods_env_encryption_key_size key size for parallel transport encryption
irods_env_encryption_num_hash_rounds number of hash rounds for parallel transfer and control plane encryption
irods_env_encryption_salt_size salt size for parallel transfer encryption
irods_env_gsi_server_dn the distinguished name of the GSI server
irods_env_home the home collection
irods_env_host inventory_hostname a fully qualified domain name for the iRODS server to connect to
irods_env_log_level desired verbosity of logging
irods_env_match_hash_policy compatible, strict whether or not to require given hash scheme
irods_env_plugins_home directory to use for client-side plugins
irods_env_port 1247 the port for the given iRODS zone
irods_env_ssl_ca_certificate_file location of a file of trusted CA certificates in PEM format
irods_env_ssl_ca_certificate_path location of a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format
irods_env_ssl_certificate_chain_file the file containing the server's certificate chain
irods_env_ssl_certificate_key_file private key corresponding to the server's certificate in the certificate chain file
irods_env_ssl_dh_params_file the Diffie-Hellman parameter file location
irods_env_ssl_verify_server cert, hostname, none level of server certificate based authentication to perform
irods_env_user_name anonymous the user name within iRODS for this account
irods_env_xmsg_host the host name of the XMessage server
irods_env_xmsg_port the port of the XMessage server
irods_env_zone_name tempZone the name of the iRODS zone

If irods_env_for_server is set to true, some of the variables have different default values more appropriate for a server configuration.

Variable Server Default
irods_env_cwd irods_env_home
irods_env_file /var/lib/irods/.irods/irods_environment.json
irods_env_sys_user_name irods
irods_env_client_server_negotiation request_server_negotiation
irods_env_client_server_policy CS_NEG_DONT_CARE
irods_env_control_plane_key TEMPORARY__32byte_ctrl_plane_key
irods_env_control_plane_port 1248
irods_env_default_hash_scheme SHA256
irods_env_default_resource demoResc
irods_env_encryption_algorithm AES-256-CBC
irods_env_encryption_key_size 32
irods_env_encryption_num_hash_rounds 16
irods_env_encryption_salt_size 8
irods_env_match_hash_policy compatible
irods_env_home /irods_env_zone_name/home/irods_env_user_name
irods_env_user_name rods



Example Playbook

Here's an example of creating irods_environment.json for a client.

- hosts: clients
    - role: irods-env
      irods_env_host: "{{ groups['ies'][0] }}"
      irods_env_user_name: tedgin
      irods_env_zone_name: iplant

Here's an example of creating irods_environment.json for an iRODS server.

- hosts: rs
    - role: irods-env
      irods_env_for_server: true
      irods_env_user_name: "{{ irods_adm_name }}"
      irods_env_zone_name: iplant
      irods_env_control_plane_key: "{{ irods_control_plane_key }}"
      irods_env_default_hash_scheme: MD5
      irods_env_default_resource: "{{ irods_default_resource }}"


See license

Author Information

Tony Edgin


A role for generating iRODS environment files. This role is deprecated. Please use CyVerse-Ansible.irods-cfg (

ansible-galaxy install CyVerse-Ansible/ansible-irods-env
GitHub repository