Ansible testing
Creates fully functional SystemD docker containers which you can use to test your Ansible roles with.
With libvirt
you can also automatically provision Windows virtual machines to test your roles with WinRM
Intended to be run locally on a Linux box with Docker (and optionally libvirt) installed.
Check defaults/main.yml see how to define containers and adjust it to your needs.
- Define your own
. The contents are temporary and will be removed withdestroy
! - Define the containers you want to spin up.
What it does (in a nutshell)
This role has create
and destroy
tasks for containers and virtual machines. It loops over the configured lists
or virtual_machines
in vars.yml
) and creates the instances accordingly.
Each Molecule scenario must either use containers or virtual machines, because Molecule only supports a single driver per scenario.
Linux: It creates privileged docker containers that are started with /sbin/init
to have a fully SystemD capable instance.
Windows: It creates the VM (unattended install of Windows) and configures WinRM for Ansible (plain HTTP) upon first start.
Hint: Creating Windows VMs is expensive and takes over 10 Minutes.
If you have other systems you want to test, feel free to provide a PR with additional Dockerfiles or libvirt configuration.
Contributing is really easy:
- Fork the project on GitHub : https://github.com/DrPsychick/ansible-testing
- Checkout the fork on your Linux box
- Symlink the fork in your roles Molecule scenario (i.e.
) - Make changes and test your role with them until you're happy - commit and create a pull-request
- You can run GitHub Actions locally for fast feedback with
: https://nektosact.com/installation/index.html
# clone your fork
cd $WhereYourForkIs
git clone https://github.com/$GitHubName/ansible-testing.git
# symlink your local version in your molecule scenario
cd $YourRoleDir/molecule/default
ln -s $WhereYourForkIs/ansible-testing drpsychick.ansible_testing
# comment out role in requirements and delete downloaded version
sed -i -e 's/^ /# /' requirements.yml
rm -rf ~/.cache/molecule/$YourRoleName/default/roles/drpsychick.ansible_testing
Now, when you run molecule
it will use the symlink to include the drpsychick.ansible_testing
Make your changes, commit regularly and when you're done, don't forget to create a pull-request so others can benefit
from your improvements as well. What's more is that you can test the role itself with Molecule:
just execute molecule test
in your local fork directory.
- Linux (as it spawns containers in
mode and binds/sys/fs/cgroup
) - Docker
- libvirt (for Windows virtual machines)
Test with Docker containers (Linux)
pip3 install -U molecule molecule-docker
With Ansible molecule
Create a new role with molecule init role <name>
or initialize the Molecule scenario in an existing role directory with
molecule init scenario default
Download the example files from this repo which make use of this role (in create
and destroy
for f in create destroy molecule requirements vars; do
curl -o molecule/default/$f.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DrPsychick/ansible-testing/main/docs/molecule/default/$f.yml
Adjust the molecule/default/vars.yml
to define which containers to provision.
Then adjust the platforms
in molecule/default/molecule.yml
work_dir: "/tmp/ansible-testrole-default"
- { name: fedora40, os: fedora, dockerfile: Dockerfile_Fedora, files: ["entrypoint.sh"], args: { VERSION: 40 } }
- { name: ubuntu2404, os: ubuntu, dockerfile: Dockerfile_Ubuntu, files: ["entrypoint.sh"], args: { VERSION: 24.04 } }
- { name: centos7, os: centos, dockerfile: Dockerfile_CentOS, files: ["entrypoint.sh"], args: { VERSION: 7 } }
- name: fedora40
- name: ubuntu2404
- name: centos7
Run molecule
# steps separately
molecule dependency
molecule create
molecule prepare
molecule converge
molecule idempotence
molecule verify
molecule cleanup
molecule destroy
# or everything in one go
molecule test
Write your own playbook or use the playbooks in tests
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# edit tests/provision.yml to your needs
echo "[defaults]
roles_path = .." > ansible.cfg
# create containers
ansible-playbook tests/create.yml
# destroy containers
ansible-playbook tests/destroy.yml
Test with Windows VMs
- install
- ansible-galaxy
- for Ansible to connect with WinRM:
- see defaults/main.yml
- Download the Windows Image of your choice (Test is setup for Windows 2016)
- Download the VirtIO ISO
- Put both ISOs into the
# download the ISOs
sudo curl -Lo /var/lib/libvirt/isos/WindowsServer2016.iso http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/download/1/6/F/16FA20E6-4662-482A-920B-1A45CF5AAE3C/14393.0.160715-1616.RS1_RELEASE_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
sudo curl -Lo /var/lib/libvirt/isos/virtio-win.iso https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/stable-virtio/virtio-win.iso
Use libvirt as user (no become/sudo)
Create image
and iso
pool that is writeable by the user and set the permissions of the pool accordingly.
Make sure the user is part of
sudo virsh pool-create-as myisos dir --target /mydir/libvirt/isos
sudo virsh pool-edit isos # set permissions
sudo virsh pool-create-as myimages dir --target /mydir/libvirt/images
sudo virsh pool-edit images2 # set permissions
Reference the directories and pool in your molecule/libvirt/vars.yml
libvirt_image_dir: "/mydir/libvirt/images"
libvirt_iso_dir: "/mydir/libvirt/isos"
libvirt_disk_pool: "myimages"
With Ansible molecule
Create a new role with molecule init role <name>
or initialize the Molecule scenario in an existing role directory with
molecule init scenario default
Download the example files from this repo which make use of this role (in create
and destroy
for f in create destroy molecule requirements vars; do
curl -o molecule/libvirt/$f.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DrPsychick/ansible-testing/main/docs/molecule/libvirt/$f.yml
Adjust the molecule/libvirt/vars.yml
to define which containers to provision.
Then adjust the platforms
in molecule/libvirt/molecule.yml
# run the scenario "libvirt"
molecule test -s libvirt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# edit tests/provision.yml to your needs
echo "[defaults]
roles_path = .." > ansible.cfg
# create virtual machine
ansible-playbook tests/create_vm.yml
# destroy virtual machine
ansible-playbook tests/destroy_vm.yml
Using predefined Windows images to speed up provisioning
A full spin-up (create) run for 2 Windows instances with predefined images took less than 4 minutes on my i7.
- Create a
image or simply provision a VM once with unattended install - Create a zip from the ready to use VM:
zip windows2016-clean.qcow2.zip windows2016.qcow2
(the filename must match and be in the root of the zip file - with no path) - Move the zip file to
or provide it via URL (disk_image_url
Test locally with different Ansible versions
Requires python3-venv
# version 16 and latest fail with
# ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: cannot import name 'should_retry_error' from 'ansible.galaxy.api'
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install --requirement requirements-ansible_${ANSIBLE_VERSION}.txt
molecule test
role for molecule to spin up systemd docker containers or libvirt VMs to test your ansible roles with
ansible-galaxy install drpsychick.ansible_testing