

This Ansible role installs and configures the Dynatrace AppMon Agent of the Dynatrace AppMon solution for a Java process.

Note: this role makes the Dynatrace AppMon Agent available to a Java Virtual Machine by injecting an appropriate -agentpath option into an environment variable, e.g. JAVA_OPTS, inside a file (typically an executable script). It is assumed that this script either executes the Java process directly or is sourced by another script before the Java process gets executed. You will have to restart your application after placing the agent.


We are given a file run-foo.sh that executes the main method in class Foo:

java Foo

By executing this role we change the file's contents to come up with something like this:

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentpath:/opt/dynatrace/agent/lib64/libdtagent.so=name=foo-java-agent,collector=localhost:9998"
java Foo


The role is available via:


This roles depends on the following roles:

Role Variables

As defined in defaults/main.yml:

Name Default Description
dynatrace_java_agent_env_var_name JAVA_OPTS The name of the environment variable to be used for Agent injection.
dynatrace_java_agent_env_var_file_name required The name of the file to be modified.
dynatrace_java_agent_env_var_file_insert_after BOF A regex, BOF or EOF for begin-of-file and end-of-file, respectively. If a given regex is not matched, the -agentpath option will be appended to the file.
dynatrace_java_agent_name java-agent The name of the Agent as it appears in Dynatrace AppMon.
dynatrace_java_agent_collector_hostname localhost The location of the collector the Agent shall connect to.
dynatrace_java_agent_collector_port 9998 The port on the collector the Agent shall connect to.
dynatrace_java_agent_linux_agent_path /opt/dynatrace/agent/lib64/libdtagent.so The path to the Agent libary.
dynatrace_java_agent_state present Whether the Agent shall be present or absent.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: Dynatrace.Dynatrace-Java-Agent
      dynatrace_java_agent_env_var_file_name: /usr/bin/run-foo.sh
      dynatrace_java_agent_env_var_file_insert_after: '#!/bin/sh'


We use Test Kitchen to automatically test our automated deployments with Serverspec and RSpec:

  1. Install Test Kitchen and its dependencies from within the project's directory:
gem install bundler
bundle install
  1. Run all tests
kitchen test

By default, we run our tests inside Docker containers as this considerably speeds up testing time (see .kitchen.yml).

Additional Resources



Problems? Questions? Suggestions?

This offering is Dynatrace Community Supported. Feel free to share any problems, questions and suggestions with your peers on the Dynatrace Community's Application Monitoring & UEM Forum.


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. analytics


An Ansible role for automated deployments of the Dynatrace Java Agent.

ansible-galaxy install Dynatrace/Dynatrace-Java-Agent-Ansible
GitHub repository