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A role for managing sudo.

This role uses sudoers.d to manage the sudo capabilities of your users. Each user gets its own sudoers.d file. This means the role can be used from multiple roles to add and manage new users without interfering with the other users/roles.

The defaults and aliases however can only be managed from one location and should not be specified if you add this role as a dependency to your own role.

Following roles where designed to neatly work together with this role:

The management-user role combines all these roles in one easy to use role.


  • Hosts should be bootstrapped for ansible usage (have python,...)
  • Root privileges, eg become: yes

Role Variables

Variable Description Default value
sudo_package Install sudo if not available yes
sudo_list List of users and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_list_host List of users and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_list_group List of users and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_grouplist List of groups and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_grouplist_host List of groups and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_grouplist_group List of groups and their sudo settings (see details!) []
sudo_default_sudoers Restore default sudoers file if altered? no
sudo_default_sudoers_src_path Path (local) to default sudoers file path to included default file
sudo_defaults List of defaults (see details!) []
sudo_host_aliases List of host aliases (see details!) []
sudo_user_aliases List of user aliases (see details!) []
sudo_runas_aliases List of run as aliases (see details!) []
sudo_cmnd_aliases List of command aliases (see details!) []
sudo_sudoersd_dir Sudoers.d directory '/etc/sudoers.d'
sudo_sudoersd_owner Owner of the directories and files 'root'
sudo_sudoersd_group Group of the directories and files 'root'

sudo_defaults details

The sudo defaults can be provided as a simple list item, or as a dictionary. Using the more complex dictionary notation allows you to use filters on the defaults. Both versions can be combined.

Each item in the dictionary can have following attributes:

Variable Description Required Default
params flags, integer values, strings, or lists yes /
filter user (:), host (@), command (!) or runas (>) filter no /
Example sudo_defaults
# Simple version
  - env_reset
  - mail_badpass

# Advanced version
  - env_reset
  - mail_badpass
  - filter: '!LOG_VIEWERS'
    params: 'noexec'
  - filter: '@localhost'
    params: '!requiretty'

sudo_list details

sudo_list, sudo_list_host and sudo_list_group are merged when managing the sudo settings. You can use the host and group lists to specify users settings per host or group off hosts. The sudo_grouplist variables work the same way, but for group based sudo settings (name will be prepended with %).

Each item in the list should have a name and optionally a sudo rule list and a sudoers_file variable to specify a custom filename. This way you can use the same list that you pass to your user management role.

When you wish to remove a sudo user/group item from the system do so by adding state: absent to the item. Ensuring removal of the matching sudoers_file from the system. Only deleting the item from the _list leaves the file behind in an unmanaged state, causing the old rule to remain in effect.

  - name: root
    other_setting: 'this is ok'
        - '...'
  - name: user1
    sudoers_file: custom
        - '...'
  - name: user3
    state: absent

The sudo list allows you to define one or more sudo rules. Possible attributes for each list entry;

Variable Description Required Default
hosts Hosts yes /
as Operators no /
commands Commands yes /
nopasswd NOPASSWD flag no no
passwd PASSWD flag no no
noexec NOEXEC flag no no
exec EXEC flag no no
nosetenv NOSETENV flag no no
setenv SETENV flag no no
nologinput NOLOG_INPUT flag no no
loginput LOG_INPUT flag no no
nologoutput NOLOG_OUTPUT flag no no
logoutput LOG_OUTPUT flag no no
Example sudo_list
  - name: root
      hosts: ALL
      as: ALL:ALL
      commands: ALL
  - name: user1
  - name: user3
      - hosts: ALL
        as: root
        commands: /usr/sbin/poweroff
      - hosts: ALL
        commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
        nopasswd: yes
      - hosts: ALL
        as: ALL
        commands: /usr/sbin/less
        noexec: yes

  - name: group1
    sudoers_file: 50custom-group-rules
      hosts: ALL
      as: ALL
      commands: ALL
      nopasswd: yes

sudo_***_aliases details

The aliases lists allow you to specify multiple aliases. Each item in the list has a name and an alias.

Variable Description Required Default
name Name of the alias yes /
alias Alias yes /
Example sudo_***_aliases
  - name: POWER
    alias: 'shutdown, reboot'
  - name: APT
    alias: 'apt-get'

  - name: EXPAMPLE2
    alias: 'user1, user2, user3'


Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  - role: GROG.sudo
    become: yes

Inside group_vars/servers.yml:

  - name: user
      hosts: ALL
      as: ALL
      commands: ALL


All assistance, changes or ideas welcome!


By G. Roggemans




A role for managing sudo.

ansible-galaxy install GROG/ansible-role-sudo
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