Ansible Role: Custom Scripts
This role will deploy several custom scripts and various tools. In its current tate, the following actions are performed:
- Copy custom scripts to a specific folder
- Modify the user (the one used to run the playbook) PATH environment variable to include the custom scripts location
- Clone and install TestSSL to the custom scripts folder (automatically added to PATH then)
No specific requirements for this role.
Role Variables
The only variable used for this role is the location where the scripts will be stored.
The variable can be configured like this:
customscripts_location: /opt/bin/
These variables can either be configured as group_vars or host_vars.
No dependencies from other roles required.
Example Playbook
Here is a simple example playbook to use this role:
hosts: all
user: root
- { role: customscripts, tags: [ 'customscripts' ] }
Author Information
My name is Gaétan. You can follow me on Twitter
Website: ICT Pour Tous