Ansible Role: GLPI
This role installs and configures GLPI. Note that this particular role is depending on two others:
Once MariaDB and Nginx (from the two roles above) are up and running, this role performs the following actions:
- Download the latest version of GLPI
- Create a system user and configure the database for the WebApp
- Configure and enables a Website in Nginx to access GLPI
- Configure HTTPS and generate certificates with Let's Encrypt (if FQDN of the Website can be resolved)
- If FQDN of the Website cannot be resolved, default SSL certificates are deployed
No specific requirements for this role.
Role Variables
Multiple variables are necessary in order to properly configure NextCloud.
Here is how they can be configured:
glpi_user: glpi
glpi_password: MyPassword
glpi_db_password: MyPassword
certbot_email: [email protected]
db_server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" (this equals to *localhost*)
glpi_server: localhost
glpi_version: 9.1.6
The variables above can be configured as group_vars or host_vars. As far as the credentials are concerned, these should be kept in a separate secret vars_file encrypted with ansible-vault.
This role depends on two other roles as stated above:
If you install this role via Ansible-Galaxy, the name of the roles are GSquad934.database and GSquad934.webserver.
However, if you have MariaDB and Nginx installed, this role should still works if you adapt it.
Example Playbook
Here is a simple example playbook to use this role:
hosts: glpi_srv
user: myuser
become: true
- { role: glpi, tags: [ 'glpi' ] }
Author Information
My name is Gaétan. You can follow me on Twitter
Website: ICT Pour Tous