
Ansible Role: cups-papercut

Build Status

First, read PaperCut TOS and EULA. Only proceed if you agree to them.

This role installs and configures PaperCut

  • PLEASE NOTE This role will uninstall any PaperCut versions < 16.3 and >= 17 using an expect script.
  • Installs Papercut MF by downloading the PaperCut installation - 16.3.
  • Creates a non-privileged account called papercut. The account must be papercut as mandated by their manual.
    • This account is given temporary passwordless sudo access for the duration of the role and then removed in cleanup tasks that are run always.
    • Resource usage limits for the account are also removed.
  • Installs Papercut non-interactively.
  • Copies over file if specified.
  • If a backup of a Papercut db is specified (zip file), then it'll use it to restore the state using the steps stated here
  • If SSL Private Key and Public key are specified it'll create the necessary certificate and install it using an expect script as specified here


  • Ansible >= 2.1
  • Guest machine: Debian
    • stretch
    • jessie
    • wheezy
  • Guest machine: Ubuntu
    • xenial
    • trusty
    • precise

Possible additional tasks that are not part of this role's responsibilities.

  • Opening the necessary PaperCut ports - 9191, 9192 through the firewall.
    • If you'd like to use debops.ferm you can use/modify cups_papercut__debops_ferm_dependent_rules (defined in defaults) to pass through to debops.ferm
  • Samba share of the client install files.
    • If you'd like to use bertvv.samba you can use/modify cups_papercut_client_share_files__bertvv_samba_config (defined in defaults) to pass through to bertvv.samba.
    • If using another role, the location of the client install files are stored in cups_papercut_client_share_files_location.

Default Variables that can be overridden or used as-is when using this role:

  • cups_papercut_acct_pwd: Password for the papercut user account - Default=hashed value of 1234 PLEASE CHANGE THIS
  • cups_papercut_download_url: the URL to download PaperCut from. Default=PaperCut MF 16.3.38126
  • cups_papercut_acct_groups: Groups that the papercut account should be aprt of - Default=None.
  • cups_papercut__debops_ferm_dependent_rules: Default simple rules to open up ports (9191 and 9192) through firewall that can be referenced when using debops.ferm role.
  • cups_papercut_ldap: If LDAP is being used/involved. It'll especially be useful when trying to synchronize account information after a data backup - Default=False
  • cups_papercut_client_share_files_location: This is the default location for PaperCut client install files. Default=/home/papercur/client
  • cups_papercut_client_share_files__bertvv_samba_config: Default simple config to setup a public Samba share for the PaperCut Client Install files that can be referenced when using bertvv.samba role.
  • cups_papercut_fetch_previous_version_to_localhost_location: If PaperCut is already installed this role reads the information off /home/papaercut/server/version.txt to see if it's < 16.3 or >=17. To process this version.txt it must first reside on the ansible controller/host machine. Therefore it's fethced and stored in the lcoation defined in this variable on the host computer. Default=/tmp/cups_papercut_ansible_role/{{inventory_hostname}}/previous_papercut_info
  • cups_papercut_pfx_password: Password for the pfx password that'll be created as well as for the ssl keystore that'll be created thereafter - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_license_key_file: The license key file to copy to /home/papercut/server/application.license - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_source_ssl_private_key_location: The private key file that's needed to setup SSL in PaperCut - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_source_ssl_public_key_location: The public key file that's needed to setup SSL in PaperCut - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_db_backup_file: The database file to use to restore settings - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_server_properties_file: The location to files to overwrite the current one - Default=Not Defined
  • cups_papercut_ldap: When LDAP is defined and if it should perform User-LDAP sync in PaperCut - Default=False


  • Secondary Site Mode
  • Secondary Print Server Mode
  • Configure for Sandbox Mode Web Print

Installs and configures Papercut 16.3 (any PaperCut versions < 16.3 and >= 17 will be UNINSTALLED).

ansible-galaxy install HP41/ansible-cups-papercut
GitHub repository