
Ansible vimrc

An Ansible role to install NeoVim with few plugins.

It needs Ansible community tasks:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general


  • ⚠ Warning this install NodeJS & npm from the package manager. ⚠
  • Install Fzf and Ag for search


Full/seamless support for theses languages/syntax :

  • Ruby/RoR
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • VueJS
  • React
  • Ansible
  • JSON
  • YAML
  • Markdown
  • C#

Target is to have 0 buggy behaviours

Theme & Font

Current theme is slate (desert, industry are also good) ; change it with :colorscheme xxx see available with Tab.

Current font is MesloLGS NF Regular (support emojis) set for Zsh


Install plugins : :PlugInstall (already installed by Ansible)

Help : use :help keycodes to show vim keycode names

Possibility to navigate with splits, tabs & Tmux:

  • <C-w f> : open in split
  • <C-w gf> : open in tab
  • <C-⬅,⬆,⬇,➡> : panel navigation
  • <C-w-⬅,⬆,⬇,➡> : move panel
  • gt : switch between vim tabs
  • <C-b> : trigger Tmux navigation

Active functionalities

  • gd : go to definition
  • gi : go to implementation
  • gr : navigate through references
  • gf : go to file (only for Ruby/Rails)
  • gg=G : reformat code
  • F2 : rename var / method / class
  • <C-k> : show method definition
  • qf : run linter fix - does not work well...
  • fr : run formatter on the current line (not working on Solargraph/Ruby)
  • fa : run formatter on the whole file
  • <C-o> : back
  • <C-s> : save
  • <C-space> : trigger autocompletion engine
  • <tab> : navigate through completion propositions
  • <C-c> : comment / uncomment (line or selection)
  • bufdo! : use ! in order not to save the files (with this configuration it's mandatory...)

Ruby & Rails related :

  • <C-q> : switch between Ruby spec and file
  • <C-w>t/s/l/a run test/spec (file, nearest, last, all)

Other :

  • suspend vim Ctrl+z and back with fg

Automatic / passive functionalities

  • spellchecking
  • syntax hilighting
  • auto lint in gutter & float window
  • use 2 spaces for tab everywhere
  • remember cusror position between sessions
  • remove trailing lines on save
  • trim whitespaces
  • show all invisible characters
  • highlight 'TODO/FIXME/XXX' keyword
  • better resize vim
  • add all type of pairs (), [] tag...
  • add Ruby pairs (def/end, do/end)
  • add Git infos in the gutter
  • add linter infos in the gutter or with underline
  • show method definition when available (use <C-a> and <C-b> to scroll after and before)


  • <C-f> : search in current file (basic vim)
  • <Shift-f> : search through all files (using fzf.vim / ag)
    • Warning : you may have to disable your terminal search to make it work
  • <Esc> : cancel search (cancel hilighting)
  • <C-p> : search file by name (using fzf.vim)
    • Enter : open
    • <C-t> : open in new tab
    • <C-x> : open in horizontal split
    • <C-v> : open in vertical split


  • hilight results in DarkGreen
  • hilight current selection with cursor blinking


  • <C-n> : open/close NerdTree
  • Enter : open file
  • i : open in horizontal split
  • s : open in vertical split
  • ... cf NerdTree doc


  • icons for files
  • symbols based on Git status
  • ignore some folders (node_modules, .gitignore)

Ruby - seeing is believing

F4/F5/F6/F7 mark/run/mark&run/clear-marks code

Conquer of Completion

Pluggins will install on first start.

For Solargraph you need to install it for each Ruby version you work with :


Usefull commands :

  • :CocInfo
  • :CocList commands
  • :checkhealth
  • :CocList extensions
  • :call CocAction('format')
  • :CocList marketplace python

Keep in mind available extentions :

  • javascriptreact
  • typescript
  • typescriptreact
  • typescript.tsx
  • graphql

Role Variables

No mandatory params, all params are in defaults/main.yml

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
    - role: vimrc
      vim_user: foo

Development usage

To run it locally create a symlink : cd /etc/ansible/roles & sudo ln -s /path/to/vimrc .




vim installation & configuration

ansible-galaxy install Haelle/vimrc
GitHub repository
Product Owner RoR lover Former C#, PHP7, Python, SQL developper