
Hyperfoil test runner

Processes a template for Hyperfoil benchmark, uploads it to Controller, starts the test and waits for its completion


Hyperfoil should be already deployed. See hyperfoil-setup role.

Role Variables

  • ansible hosts under hyperfoil_controller and hyperfoil_agent groups
  • test_name (required): Name of the test, in benchmarks folder, with yaml.j2 extension. This name must match the benchmark name in the file.
  • hyperfoil_controller_group (optional): Ansible group that hosts the controller. Default is hyperofoil-controller.
  • hyperfoil_controller_host (optional): Override for the hostname that should be accessed.
  • hyperfoil_controller_port (optional): Port on which Hyperfoil should listen
  • hyperfoil_controller_protocol (optional): Protocol to access Hyperfoil controller. Either http (default) or https.
  • hyperfoil_validate_certs (optional): Validate server certificates when accessing the controller over HTTPS. Default is true.
  • hyperfoil_deployer (optional): Method of deployment. Either ssh (default) or k8s.
  • hyperfoil_agent_group (optional): Ansible group that hosts the agents. Default is hyperofoil-agent.
  • hyperfoil_agent_port (optional): SSH port on agent. Default is 22.


Apache License, Version 2.0


As the example references role names as installed by Ansible first install all hyperfoil roles:

ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_setup
ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_shutdown
ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_test

This example deploys Hyperfoil on localhost (controller and agent as separate instances), uploads a minimal benchmark doing single request to GitHub main page and reports #of requests from statistics.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.example example.yml
ansible-galaxy install Hyperfoil/hyperfoil_test
GitHub repository
Microservice-oriented load driver toolkit