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Install CGMiner on RPI

This role will compile CGMiner with GekkoScience custom driver on a Raspberry Pi for use with the 2Pac or NewPac USB ASIC miners.

The installed cgminer.service will run a persistent screen session under the pi user. The screen session will not terminate if ssh is disconnected.

To view the session

screen -r cgminer

To detach from the screen without quitting cgminer service

CTRL + A + D


This role build CGMiner from


compile_threads: "{{ ansible_processor_cores }}"

Number of threads to run during compile.

cgminer_additional_config: ""


cgminer_bitcoin_wallet: 18YuqAaQPc3nqK53iVV5eTZKoENcf5mKVi

Your bitcoin wallet address to use in the template generation.

cgminer_worker_name: newpac

Mining working name.

cgminer_gekko_2pac_freq: 125.0

2PAC frequency, must at as float with xx.0

cgminer_gekko_start_freq: 100   
cgminer_gekko_step_freq: 25
cgminer_gekko_step_delay: 30

I don't know what these are used for. Apparently doesn't work for stick miners.

cgminer_gekko_newpac_freq: 125

NewPac frequency, fun times with clock settings.

cgminer_gekko_newpac_core: 400

Core setting, leave it alone.

cgminer_suggest_difficulty: 512

Suggested difficulty to mining pool.

cgminer_asic_boost: "true"

Turn on/off ASIC boost, must include quote.

cgminer_autostart: no

Start CGMiner on system boot.

cgminer_after: bfgminer.service

Start the CGMiner server after BFGMiner in case both are run on the same system.

cgminer_user: irmoobear
cgminer_password: x

Your mining authentication.

cgminer_git_version: 3339a51e136be269125a74ece852ae81201bd528

Git version to pull for compile.

    name: cgminer
    gekko_newpac_freq: 100
    gekko_newpac_freq: 125
    suggest_difficulty: 512
    port: 4028
        url: stratum+tcp://
        user: "{{ cgminer_bitcoin_wallet }}.{{ cgminer_worker_name }}"
        password: "{{ cgminer_password }}"
        url: stratum+tcp://
        user: "{{ cgminer_bitcoin_wallet }}.{{ cgminer_worker_name }}"
        password: "{{ cgminer_password }}"

Configuration and service generator. The config will create a service called cgminer. This is a list and additional configurators can be added such as cgminer2, cgminer3, etc... to support multiple instances of CGMiner services running on the system. Don't forget to change the port number and usb limiter if you run multiple instances.

Example Playbook

  1. Set authentications and pools first before running!

    • hosts: servers roles:
      • { role: irmoobear.cgminer }



Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).


Build CGminer with GekkoScience's driver for 2Pac & NewPac SHA256 ASIC USB mining sticks.

ansible-galaxy install IRMooBear/ansible.cgminer
GitHub repository
I might have played a little too much World of Warcraft last decade...