

This role installs Home Assistant on a remote server with all required dependencies and configures it to run as a service.


No requirements

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
ha_user homeassistant The user which would created and run the homeassistant installation and service
ha_group homeassistant The group which would created
ha_port 8123 the webaccess port
ha_conf_dir /srv/homeassistant The config path, where homeassistant woud be installed
ha_version None A specified homeassistant which would be installed, recommendly use for updated to a higher version if the new version is not next version from the current installation.
ha_backup None a defined backup file from a homeassistant backup, which would be restored. Put backup file in the files folder from role and set filename in th variable
ha_additional_pi_groups dialout,gpio,i2c addiotion requrired groups for the homeassitent installation on a rasperry pi, do not change or overwrite the values
ha_check_delay 45 delay in seconds for waiting if Home Assistent is available
ha_python 3.11 The python version for homeassistant, if not available on the system it will be installed check recommend version Python
ha_backup_cron false if set to true, it creates an cron entry for your homeassistant user, a custom delete time for backups, per day (var: ha_backup_delete_after_days) or per keep files (ha_backup_delete_after_days) and combining both values. Example
ha_backup_delete_after_days 7 delete all backups older definded value in days, if you want delete
ha_backup_keepfiles 3 keep defined value files, regardless the ha_backup_delete_after_days value



Example Backup policies

to config backups for your Homeassistant installation, Backup Integration at the moment the backup integration does not support a delete policy, so you can use the cron job from this role to delete old backups.

If you want to delete all backups older than 7 days, and keep the last 3 backups, you can use the following configuration, default values:

  ha_backup_cron: true

If you want to delete all backups older than 10 days, and keep the last 5 backups, you can use the following configuration, default values:

  ha_backup_cron: true
  ha_backup_delete_after_days: 10
  ha_backup_keepfiles: 5

If you want to delete all backups older than 7 days, regardless of the number of backups, you can use the following configuration:

  ha_backup_cron: true
  ha_backup_delete_after_days: 7
  ha_backup_keepfiles: 0

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

minimal playbook.yml example

- hosts: homeassistant_server
  become: true

    - homeassistant

extendet playbook.yml example

- hosts: homeassistant_server
  become: true
    ha_user: homeassistant
    ha_group: homeassistant
    ha_port: 8123
    ha_conf_dir: /srv/homeassistant
    ha_version: 2023.11.
    ha_backup: core_2022_9_7.tar
    ha_python: 3.11
    ha_backup_cron: true
    ha_backup_delete_after_days: 7
    ha_backup_keepfiles: 3

    - homeassistant



Author Information

Jan Roepke have fun with it, and feel free to contribute or contact me.


Ansible Role to install and/or update homeassistant on a remote server

ansible-galaxy install JanLeshy/ansible-role-homeassistant
GitHub repository
Like programming and home automations. Credo: Don´t repaet yourself (try it)