Ansible Role: Packer Linux Configuration for Vagrant
This role is intended for use with Packer to configure various linux distributions so they can then be used as a .box files for Vagrant deployment. It is specifically intended for use the following repo boxes. But you can use your own as well.
Before running this role via Packer, ansible needs to be installed using the shell provisioner. VM configuration (like adding a vagrant user to the appropriate group and the sudoers file) can be accomlplished with a Kickstart installation file (e.g. kickstart.cfg
) using Packer. An example packer json file that wil call scripts and ansible roles based on your configuration:
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'",
"script": "../scripts/setup.sh"
"type": "ansible-local",
"playbook_file": "../ansible/main.yml",
"galaxy_file": "../ansible/requirements.yml"
Role Variables
{{ ansible_os_family }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}_packages: This will allow the role to selectively install packages based on your chosen distribution.
Example Playbook
- hosts: all
- { role: jaredzieche.packerizer }
Author Information
This role was created in 2014 by Jared Zieche.
packer configuration for different linux distributions.
ansible-galaxy install jaredzieche.packerizer