
Laniakea Developer Environment

Ansible role to configure Laniakea Developer Environment. This DE has the purpose of helping Laniakea developers in testing tools and their configuration for Laniakea and its services development. This role can install these tools in an Ubuntu machine (currently it has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04):

  • Code Server: code-server is installed and some extensions are added for Python, C++, Ansible and Terraform. Pip and Ansible are also installed if Python and Ansible extensions are added.
  • Nextflow: Nextflow binary is downloaded and put in the user PATH. If both Nextflow and Code Server are installed, the Code Server extension for Nextflow is built and added to Code Server.
  • Conda: Conda is installed, a default conda environment is created with a defineable set of Python packages installed.
  • Docker: Docker is installed with the image directory in the external storage mountpoint.
  • NGINX.

Each tool is optional, and can be installed by setting to true its relative variable (see below). Also, Code Server, Conda and Docker are configured to write data in the external storage mountpoint.

Role Variables

VM variables

Variable Description Default
export_dir External volume mountpoint /export
user VM user ubuntu

Code Server variables

Variable Description Default
install_code_server If set to true, Code Server is installed false
code_server.password Password to access Code Server password
code_server.user User to access Code Server {{ user }} Host
code_server.port Port where Code Server is exposed 48888
code_server.data_dir Data directory of Code Server "{{ export_dir }}/code-server"
code_server.work_dir Working directory of Code Server "{{ export_dir }}/code-server/workdir"
code_server.env.SERVICE_URL Extensions marketplace URL
code_server.env.ITEM_URL Item URL for marketplace
code_server.extensions List of code server extensions installed

Nextflow variables

Variable Description Default
install_nextflow If set to true, Nextflow is installed false
nextflow_dir Directory where Nextflow bin is installed /usr/local/bin
node_gpg_key_url Node.JS gpg key URL
node_repo Deb Node.JS repository deb focal main
nextflow_extensions_repo_dest Directory where the repo of Code Server extension for Nextflow is cloned /tmp/vscode-language-nextflow
nextflow_extension_repo_url Repository of Code Server extension for Nextflow
vsix_path Directory where Code Server extension for Nextflow is built /tmp/nextflow.vsix

Conda variables

Variable Description Default
install_conda If set to true, Conda is installed false
conda_gpg_key_url Conda gpg key URL
conda_repo Deb Conda repository deb [arch=amd64] stable main
conda_script_path Path of the Conda script installed by the Deb package /etc/profile.d/
conda_bin Path of the conda binary installed by the Deb package /opt/conda/condabin/conda
conda_envs_dir Directory where conda environments are created "{{ export_dir }}/conda_envs"
new_conda_env_name Name of the default conda environment created by the role default
new_conda_env_dir Directory of the default conda env created by the role "{{ conda_envs_dir }}/{{ new_conda_env_name }}"
new_conda_env_packages Packages installed in the default conda env []
python_version Python version for the default conda env 3.7

Docker variables

Variable Description Default
install_docker If set to true, Docker is installed false
docker.users User running Docker {{ user }}
docker.install_compose If set to true, Docker compose is installed false
docker_dir Directory where Docker images are downloaded {{ export_dir }}/docker-images

NGINX variables

Variable Description Default
install_nginx If set to true, NGINX is installed false

Example Playbook

# Install Code Server with the default extensions and Nextflow with its extensions
- name: Developer environment
  hosts: all
    - role: laniakea.developer_environment
        install_code_server: true
        install_nextflow: true

Author Information

Daniele Colombo


Configure Laniakea developer environment

ansible-galaxy install Laniakea-elixir-it/ansible-role-laniakea-developer-environment
GitHub repository