The Ansible role 'zos_db2_discovery' will perform a sequence of steps to identify Db2 for z/OS subsystems running on either the specific z/OS LPAR or z/OS sysplex where Ansible is connecting to.
Python and Z Open Automation Utilities must be installed on the remote z/OS system, since the module ibm.ibm_zos_core.zos_operator is used along the role.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
# Identifies if the Db2s should be discovered by SYSPLEX or LPAR
scope: SYSPLEX
Set the scope of the discovery, if it should identify Db2 for z/OS subsystems available only on the connected LPAR or the sysplex. Available options are: [LPAR, SYSPLEX].
Example Playbook (with default scope)
- hosts: zos_server
- role: zos_db2_discovery
Example Playbook (with scope being specified)
- hosts: zos_server
- role: zos_db2_discovery
scope: lpar
Sample Output
When this role is successfully executed, a fact named zos_db2_discovery_db2_information
will be set. It is a list of dictionaries, with each item being a discovered Db2 for z/OS subsystem and the collected information about it (DDF details, group details, etc.).
"zos_db2_discovery_db2_information": [
"ddf": {
"aliases": [
"alias": "DBA1SUB1",
"port": 15000,
"secure_port": 0,
"status": "STATIC"
"alias": "DBA2REST",
"port": 0,
"secure_port": 8021,
"status": "STARTD"
"cmtstat": "I",
"condbat": 1200,
"generic_lu_name": "GENTSTDB",
"ip_address": "::123.456.789.123",
"ip_name": "-NONE",
"location": "TESTDBA0",
"lu_name": "LUTSTDB1",
"mdbat": 600,
"member_ip_address": "::123.456.789.124",
"network_id": "CDN",
"resync_domain_name": "DBA1.tst.com",
"resync_port": 7001,
"secure_port": 0,
"sql_domain_name": "testdba0.tst.com",
"status": "STARTD",
"tcp_port": 7000
"group": {
"catalog_level": "V13R1M100",
"current_function_level": "V13R1M100",
"group_attach_name": "DBA0",
"group_name": "DSNDBA0",
"highest_activated_function_level": "V13R1M100",
"highest_possible_function_level": "V13R1M500",
"lock1_structure_list_entries_in_use": "81",
"lock1_structure_number_list_entries": "110481",
"lock1_structure_number_lock_entries": "16777216",
"lock1_structure_size_kb": "66560",
"members": [
"code_level": "131503",
"command_prefix": "-DBA1",
"identifier": 2,
"irlm_procedure": "DBA1IRLM",
"irlm_subsystem": "JTU1",
"member": "DBA1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"subsystem": "DBA1",
"system_name": "TSTA"
"code_level": "131503",
"command_prefix": "-DBA2",
"identifier": 1,
"irlm_procedure": "DBA2IRLM",
"irlm_subsystem": "JTU2",
"member": "DBA2",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"subsystem": "DBA2",
"system_name": "TSTB"
"protocol_level": "2",
"sca_structure_in_use": "7%",
"sca_structure_size_kb": "14336",
"sca_structure_status": "AC",
"spt01_inline_length": "32138"
"owner": "DBA1MSTR",
"prefix": "-DBA1",
"subsystem": "DBA1",
"system": "TSTA"
This role is licensed under licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
Author Information
This role was created in 2023 by Luiggi Torricelli, a Db2 for z/OS system programmer.
Discovery of Db2 for z/OS subsystems existent on a z/OS sysplex or z/OS LPAR.
ansible-galaxy install LuiggiTorricelli/zos_db2_discovery