
User Management

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This Ansible role is for managing (creating, editing, deleting) Linux users. Management includes also the ssh keys keys distribution.

How it works

This role is using local facts on the each host to store the user names listed in user_management. Only these users are managed by this role. Once you will remove the user from user_management list, the user and the home directory will be deleted from the host. The users not listed in the user_management list (users not created by this Ansible Role) will remain untouched.

This role is able to

  • create users
  • delete users
  • edit users
  • manage ssh keys


  • Supported Linux distros:

    • CentOS/RHEL 7,8
    • Debian 9,10
    • Fedora 29,30,31,32
    • Ubuntu 16,18,20

    Note: These are the weekley tested Linux distributions. The Role will most likely run also on different Linux distros just fine.

Role Variables

This is a copy from defaults/main.yml

local_facts_file: linux_users.fact
local_facts_path: /etc/ansible/facts.d
#   - name: userx                       <<< User name (Required).
#     comment: User X                   <<< (Optional) User description.
#     groups:                           <<< (Optional) List of groups user will be added to.
#       - games
#       - video
#     ssh_keys:                         <<< (Optional) List of Authorized public keys.
#       - 'ssh-ed25519 xxxx something'
#     shell: /bin/bash                  <<< (Optional) User shell (default value "/bin/bash")
#     expires: -1                       <<< (Optional) User expiration date in Epoch format (default value "-1").
#     create_home: yes                  <<< (Optional) Create home directory (default value "yes").
#     system: no                        <<< (Optional) Create a system account (default value "no").

Playbook example:

In this example the Ansible will create (or eventually edit - if this is not the first run) 3 users. user1 with comment, zsh as a default shell, user will expire in 1640991600 Unix epoch time, user will be added to user groups sudo and docker, and finally add two ssh public keys. user2 will be created with defaults.appuser will be created as a system user.

- name: User Management
  hosts: all
  user: ubuntu
  gather_facts: yes
  become: yes
      - name: user1
        comment: My Test User
        shell: /bin/zsh
        expires: 1640991600
          - sudo
          - docker
          - 'ssh-ed25519 xxxxxx my_user_key'
          - 'ssh-rsa xxxxxx my_user_key'

      - name: user2

      - name: appuser
        system: yes
        create_home: no

      - ansible-user_management



Author Information

Created in 2020 by Michal Muransky

ansible-galaxy install monolithprojects.user_management
GitHub repository
Full-time Cloud Engineer, part-time adventurer