
Ansible Role: osm_alertmanager

Alertmanager is tool that handles alerts sent by Prometheus. It gets the alert from Prometheus server and make groups of alerts on the basis of labels and after that it will forward the alert to different reciever such as Email, PagerDuty, Slack.

Alertmanager is configured via using command-line flags and a configuration while. While command line configure system parameters, the configuration file contains the information like recievers and routing.

Version History

Date Version Description Changed By
May 2020 v0.0.1 Initial Draft Abhishek Dubey
July 2020 v0.1.0 Added Integration of Slack, Google chat Mahesh Kumar
June 2022 v0.1.1 Added support for cluster, custom alertmanager rules, templates, Integration of AWS SNS, PagerDuty Ishaan Ambashta

Supported OS

  • CentOS:7
  • CentOS:6
  • Ubuntu:bionic
  • Ubuntu:focal


  • prometheus-server
  • libselinux-python


There is no particular requirment for running this role. As this role is platform independent for centos 6 or above and ubuntu 18 or above. The only dependency for centos 6 is libselinux-python and we have included that as well. The basic requirments are:-

  • Centos/Ubuntu Server
  • Python should be installed on the target server
  • 9093 port should be open in your server

Role Variables

# defaults file for alertmanager
alert_version: "0.20.0"
base_url: ""
alertmanager_dir: "alertmanager-{{ version }}.linux-amd64"
download_url: "{{ base_url }}/v{{ version }}/{{ alertmanager_dir }}.tar.gz"
alertmanager_user: "alertmanager"
alertmanager_group: "alertmanager"
prometheus_user: "prometheus"
prometheus_group: "prometheus"
binary_path: "/usr/local/bin"

# Email Notification
email_integration: "no"
sender_email: "[email protected]"
alertmanager_email: "[email protected]"
smtp_server: ""

# Slack Integration
slack_integration: "yes"
slack_webhook: ""
slack_channel_name: "alerting-channel"

# Google Chat Integration
google_chat_integration: "no"
calert_home: "/opt/calert"
calert_base_url: ""
calert_url: "{{ calert_base_url }}/v1.2.1/calert_1.2.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
google_chat_room: "google-room-name"
room_webhook: "google-chat-room-webhook"

# PagerDuty Integration
PagerDuty_integration: "no"
PagerDuty_channel_name: "call-alerting-channel"
pagerduty_url: ""

# SNS Integration
sns_integration: "no"
sns_channel_name: "sns"
region: "us-east-1"

You can define any prometheus version as well as alertmanager version that you want to install on your server.

Mandatory Variables

Variable Default Value Possible Values Description
alert_version "0.20.0" Any Version Alertmanager will be downloaded from github releases, so you have to define version
alertmanager_user alertmanager Any User Alertmanager Service User
alertmanager_group alertmanager Any Group Alertmanger Service Group
prometheus_user prometheus Any User Prometheus Service User, Owner of Node Specific Rules
prometheus_group prometheus Any Group Prontheus Service Group, give permision to Node Specific Rules file

Optional Variables

Variable Default Value Possible Values Description
base_url Base url of Alertmanager's Download link Alertmanger Download link Base URL
alertmanager_dir alertmanager-{{ version }}.linux-amd64 Alertmanger Dir Name Alertmanger Directory after Extracting
download_url {{ base_url }}/v{{ version }}/{{ alertmanager_dir }}.tar.gz Alertmanger Download Link Github url to Donwload Alertmanger Binary
binary_path /usr/local/bin Any Path Alertmanger Binary Path
email_integration "no" "yes"/"no" Enable/Disable Email integration with Alertmanager
sender_email "" Any Email Address Email Address use to send alerts
alertmanager_email "" Any Email Address Alertmanger's Email Address
smtp_server "" smtp_server address with port Email smpt server use by Alertmanger
slack_integration "no" "yes"/"no" Enable/Disable Slack integration with Alertmanager
slack_webhook "" Any Channel Webhook Slack Channel Webhook use to integrate Slack Channel with Alertmanger
slack_channel_name "alerting-channel" Any Slack Channel Name Slack Channel Name use to send Alerts
google_chat_integration "yes" "yes"/"no" Enable/Disable Google Chat integration with Alertmanager
calert_home "/opt/calert" Calert Service home path Calert Service home where calert service binary and configuration files will be
calert_base_url "" Calert service Download Link Calert Binary's URL
calert_url "{{ calert_base_url }}/v1.2.1/calert_1.2.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz" Calert service Download Link Github url to Donwload Calert Binary
google_chat_room "google-room-name" Any Google Chat Room Google Chat Room use to send Alerts
room_webhook "google-chat-room-webhook" Any Google Chat Room's Webhook Google Chat Room's Webhook use to integrate with Calert Service
rules_file "node_exporter.rules" By default file for rules Rules file for set alerts
templates "email.tmpl" By default template Template file for alerts format
PagerDuty_integration "no" "yes"/"no" Enable/Disable PagerDuty integration with Alertmanager
PagerDuty_channel_name "call-alerting-channel" Any PagerDuty Channel Name PagerDuty Channel Name use to send Alerts
pagerduty_url "" specified url of pagerduty url of PagerDuty
sns_integration "no" "yes"/"no" Enable/Disable sns integration with Alertmanager
sns_channel_name "sns" Any AWS SNS Channel Name SNS Channel Name use to send Alerts to AWS SNS
region "us-east-1" any region for sns region to which send alerts

Example Playbook

Here is an example for the main playbook

- hosts: alertmanager
    - role: alertmanager

Here We are using root as an user but you can use different user, For that you just have to make become value true. Something like this:-

- hosts: alertmanager
    - role: alertmanager
      become: yes

Example Inventory

For inventory you can create a host file in which you can define your server ip, For example:- --

[alertmanager]  ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=server1.pem

[prometheus]  ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=server1.pem

Note: Please Add Prometheus Server IP's as well. Also, Configuration of Alert Manager will automatically add in prometheus.yml file

You can simply use this role by using this command

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

You can add multiple rules and template files in one go by pass extra variables or extra variable json file, for example :-

By Passing Extra Variables

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars='{"rules_file": ["rule_file1","rule_file2"], "templates": ["file1.tmpl", "file2.tmpl"]}'

By Passing Extra Variables file

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml  --extra-vars "@extra_vars.json"


  1. You have to move your custom templates or rules files into this osm_alertmanager/files folder first.

  2. Extra variable file should be in json format, for example:-

Extra variables file - extra_vars.json

    "rules_file": "rule_file1", 
    "templates": "file2.tmpl"

Directory Structure of Role

This is the directory structure of role:-

├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
│   ├── alertmanager.init
│   ├── email.tmpl
|   ├── sns.tmpl
|   ├── slack_notification.tmpl
│   ├── google_chat_calert.tmpl
│   ├── node_exporter.rules
│   ├── mysql_exporter.rules
│   ├── telegraf_kafka.rules
│   └── telegraf_node.rules
├── handlers
│   └── main.yml
├── site.yml
├── tasks
│   ├── calert.yml
│   ├── debian.yml
│   ├── main.yml
│   ├── prerequisites.yml
│   └── redhat.yml
└── templates
    ├── alertmanager.service.j2
    ├── alertmanager.yml.j2
    ├── calert.service.j2
    └── calert.toml.j2

After successful installation of alertmanager, you can browse through the alertmanager url and see the web interface web




Author Information

This role is written and maintained by [Abhishek Dubey] ( If you have any queries and sugesstion, please feel free to reach out below id's.

Abhishek Dubey
Ishaan Ambashta


Alertmanager is tool that handles alerts sent by Prometheus.

ansible-galaxy install OT-OSM/alertmanager
GitHub repository