
CiS Compliant Apache License GitHub release (latest by date)

OSM: Kafka

A high end ansible role which will setup kafka and zookeeper cluster.


The only requirement for this role is java.

You can find our java role here

Role Variables

We have categorized variables into two part i.e. Mandatory and Optional

Mandatory Variables

Variables Default Values Possible Values Description
zookeeper_data_dir /opt/zookeeper Any Linux Directory Data directory where zookeeper will store its information
installation_dir /opt Any Linux Directory Directory where you want to install kafka
kafka_major_version 2.12 Any valid kafka version Major version of kafka release
kafka_minor_verion 2.2.1 Any valid kafka version Minor version of kafka release

Optional Variables

Variables Default Values Possible Values Description
kafka_service_user_name kafka Service username for kafka Kafka system user name from which all things will run
kafka_service_group_name kafka Service groupname for kafka Kafka system group name from which all things will run
kafka_logs_dir /var/log/kafka Any Linux Directory Directory where kafak will generate logs
zk_client_port 2181 Any Linux Port Number Zookeeper client port for connection
init_limit 5 Any integer time initLimit is timeouts ZooKeeper uses to limit the length of time the ZooKeeper servers in quorum have to connect to a leader
sync_limit 2 Any integer time The entry syncLimit limits how far out of date a server can be from a leader
tick_time 2000 Any integer time The basic time unit in milliseconds used by ZooKeeper. It is used to do heartbeats and the minimum session timeout will be twice the tickTime
max_memory_heap -Xmx256M Memory Size of JVM This is the maximum heap size of kafka which should be change according to the server configuration
min_memory_heap -Xmx128M Memory Size of JVM This is the minimum heap size of kafka which should be change according to the server configuration


An inventory should look like this:-

[zookeeper]                  # Host and Id information for zookeeper
zookeeper1    zookeeper_id=1
zookeeper2    zookeeper_id=2
zookeeper3    zookeeper_id=3

[kafka]                      # Host and broker id information for kafka
kafka1   kafka_broker_id=1
kafka2   kafka_broker_id=2
kafka3   kafka_broker_id=3

[kafka_cluster:children]     # Parend group for kafka and zookeeper group

[kafka_cluster:vars]         # Variabled for kafka_cluster parent group

Example Playbook

Here is an example playbook:-

- hosts: kafka_cluster
    - role: osm_kafka_cluster
      become: yes


For using this role you have to execute playbook only

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

Running Test Cases for Setup

For running the test cases, we have a seperate folder named inspec. Inspec (https://www.inspec.io/) should be installed if you want to run the test cases.

Command which needs to be run

inspec exec . -t ssh://username@server_ip -i /path/to/keyfile


Abhishek Dubey


Ansible role for setting up the kafka cluster with zookeeper

ansible-galaxy install opstree_devops.kafka_cluster
GitHub repository