
Ansible Role : copydata

Ansible Role GitHub release (latest by date) Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Branch master dev
CI Ansible Molecule Ansible Molecule

Ansible role to copy files and directories according to the hostnames and groupnames

  • copy only files included in "data inventory" to the target
  • remove all other files on the target (optional)

Table of Contents

How it works

Files are read in the following directories (cf How to build data inventory for more information) :

  • {copydata_datadir}/group/all/{copydata_src}
  • {copydata_datadir}/group/{group_names|list}/{copydata_src}
  • {copydata_datadir}/host/{inventory_hostname}/{copydata_src}

Three modes :

  • copy : When files with same name found, only the most precise will be kept
  • append : When files with same name found, the target file is concatenated from all sources' files (from most global to most precise)
  • append_reverse : When files with same name found, the target file is concatenated from all sources' files (from most precise to most global)

copydata vs ansible.builtin.copy


  • ansible.builtin.copy The copy module copies a file from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine. (source)

  • copydata Manage files' list to copy or concat files from data inventory tree This role can manage copy of concatenation of files from data inventory tree on the local machine to a location on the remote machine with prioritization.

Role Variables


variable mandatory description example
copydata_datadir :heavy_check_mark: path of the data inventory contains host and group folders (see How to build data inventory) /path/of/data/
copydata_src :heavy_check_mark: subfolder of host or group, can be a role-name (see How to build data inventory) myfeature
copydata_dest :heavy_check_mark: full path of target on the remote hosts /tmp/target/
copydata_patterns array of patterns defined files' type will be copied (default='*') [*.conf, *.tmp]
copydata_remove_other_files remove files not found in source folders and according with copydata_patterns
:warning: wrong usage can remove wrong files, please check before use :warning:
copydata_owner :heavy_check_mark: owner of the copied files root
copydata_group :heavy_check_mark: group of the copied files root
copydata_mode :heavy_check_mark: mode of the copied files 755
copydata_copy_type select one of those mode : copy, append or append_reverse (default='copy') append
copydata_template only for append or append_reverse, define an alternative template path/to/my/template
copydata_debug show summary of all files will be copied to the target True

Output variable

variable description values
copydata_changed workaround about missing "changed" attribute of the role True,False

Example Playbook


- name: Converge
  hosts: all
    - name: "Copydata"
        name: "copydata"
        copydata_datadir: "{{data_dir}}"
        copydata_src: 'scenario_default/'
        copydata_dest: '/tmp/testcopy/'
        copydata_owner: 'root'
        copydata_group: 'root'
        copydata_mode: 770
        copydata_debug: True
    - name: "Result"
        msg: |
          copydata_changed : {{ copydata_changed }}



Tested on Ansible's versions :

  • 2.8
  • 2.9
  • 2.10

Latest stable release

  • Ansible Galaxy : coming soon
  • GitHub : git clone



Tested on :

  • Debian 9 (Stretch)
  • Debian 10 (Buster)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

How to build data inventory


Data inventory tree must be built as following : <copydata_datadir>/(group|host)/<item>/<copydata_src>/

Example : if we define : copydata_datadir: "{{ inventory_dir }}/../data/" Our inventory and data inventory should be strutured as following

├── data
│   ├── group
│   │   ├── all
│   │   │   └── myrole
│   │   │       ├── file_for_everybody_1
│   │   │       └── file_for_everybody_2
│   │   └── gp1
│   │       └── myrole
│   │           └── file_just_for_group_gp1
│   └── host
│       ├── myhost
│       │   └── myrole
│       │       └── any_file
│       └── anotherhost
│           └── myrole
│               └── other_file
└── inventory
    ├── group_vars
    │   ├── all
    │   └── gp1
    ├── host_vars
    │   ├── myhost
    │   │   └── great_var
    │   └── anotherhost
    └── main.yml

Use cases


Note :

  • Inventory is present only to show structure, it can be replaced by only one file or whatever you want

Copy : resolv.conf


Playbook to set the resolv.conf of several hosts (one dns server, some other hosts and an offsite host)

Inventory and Data Inventory

├── data
│   ├── group
│   │   ├── all
│   │   │   └── myplaybook
│   │   │       └── resolv.conf
│   │   └── dns
│   │       └── myplaybook
│   │           └── resolv.conf
│   └── host
│       └── external-machine
│           └── myplaybook
│               └── resolv.conf
└── inventory
    ├── group_vars
    │   ├── all
    │   └── dns
    ├── host_vars
    │   ├── external-machine
    │   └── my-dns
    └── main.yml


- hosts: all
    - role: copydata
        # path of data inventory
        copydata_datadir: "{{ inventory_dir }}/../data/"
        # subdir of entries in data inventory
        copydata_src: 'myplaybook/'
        # target folder
        copydata_dest: '/etc/'
        # all actions will be limited by this pattern
        copydata_patterns: "resolv.conf"
        # owner/group/mode to apply to the target files
        copydata_owner: 'root'
        copydata_group: 'root'
        copydata_mode: '644'



  • my-dns (server dns on site, in group dns) : /etc/resolv.conf == data/group/dns/myplaybook/resolv.conf
  • external-machine (an offsite machine with specific dns) : /etc/resolv.conf == data/host/external-machine/myplaybook/resolv.conf
  • all other (don't match with previous cases, client dns of my-dns) : /etc/resolv.conf == data/group/all/myplaybook/resolv.conf

Append : iptables rules


Playbook to build files of ipv4 and ipv6 rules (used on each machine with iptables-restore and ip6tables-restore ). For each filename, all according files will be concatened from most global to most precise. All other files according with the pattern *.rules must be removed.
In this example, we have the following hosts/groups :

group hosts
dbms sv-dbms1, sv-dbms2
web sv-web1, sv-web2, sv-web3

Inventory and Data Inventory

└── data
    ├── group
    │   ├── all
    │   │   └── my_ip_rules
    │   │       ├── ipv4.rules
    │   │       └── ipv6.rules
    │   ├── dbms
    │   │   └── my_ip_rules
    │   │       ├── ipv4.rules
    │   │       └── ipv6.rules
    │   └── web
    │       └── my_ip_rules
    │           ├── ipv4.rules
    │           └── ipv6.rules
    └── host
        ├── sv-web1
        │   └── my_ip_rules
        │       ├── ipv4.rules
        │       └── ipv6.rules
        ├── sv-web2
        │   └── my_ip_rules
        │       ├── ipv4.rules
        │       └── ipv6.rules
        └── sv-web3
            └── my_ip_rules
                ├── ipv4.rules
                └── ipv6.rules


- hosts: all
    - role: copydata
        # path of data inventory
        copydata_datadir: "{{ inventory_dir }}/../data/"
        # subdir of entries in data inventory
        copydata_src: 'my_ip_rules/'
        # target folder
        copydata_dest: '/etc/firewall/'
        # all actions will be limited by this pattern
        copydata_patterns: "*.rules"
        # remove all other files in according with the patterns ("*.rules")
        copydata_remove_other_files: True
        # owner/group/mode to apply to the target files
        copydata_owner: 'root'
        copydata_group: 'root'
        copydata_mode: '644'



  • sv-dbms1 and sv-dbms2
    • ipv4.rules is the concatenation of the following files in this order
      • data/group/all/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/group/dbms/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
    • ipv6.rules (idem)
  • sv-web1
    • ipv4.rules is the concatenation of the following files in this order
      • data/group/all/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/group/web/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/host/sv-web1/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
    • ipv6.rules (idem)
  • sv-web2
    • ipv4.rules is the concatenation of the following files in this order
      • data/group/all/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/group/web/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/host/sv-web2/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
    • ipv6.rules (idem)
  • sv-web3
    • ipv4.rules is the concatenation of the following files in this order
      • data/group/all/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/group/web/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
      • data/host/sv-web3/my_ip_rules/ipv4.rules
    • ipv6.rules (idem)



Creative Commons : Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Author Information


This role was created in 2021 by PiDroid-B

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...


Are welcome !



Ansible role to copy files and directories according to the hostnames and groupnames

ansible-galaxy install PiDroid-B/ansible-copydata
GitHub repository