
Build Status Ansible Role

TOOCS / Ansible Role: TOOCS.asdf

  • Installs asdf
  • For zsh users, sets up ~/.zlogin for a ready-to-use experience
  • Uses asdf to install the languages of your choice (limited support, see Install languages)


TOOCS - The Opinionated One-Click Setups are a set of tools / ansible roles designed to setup a system in one click. They are a simple, reliable, way to setup a given tool. You can use them as is, or, inspecting their code, as a tutorial to follow step by step.

They are, as their name suggests, opinionated: while they guarantee to setup the given tool in one click, they do not guarantee consistency in how they achieve it, new releases might introduce breaking changes.
Read the code and make sure you understand what's happening!

Table of Contents


This role is only working on MacOSX & Ubuntu/Debian.

Post install - Shell configuration

Zsh users

When using this TOOCS on a user whose shell is zsh, the TOOCS will automatically configure the ~/.zlogin file. No further action is required.

If you are not using a framework, such as oh-my-zsh, or if on starting your shell you get an error message like 'command not found: compinit', then add this line before the ones added by the TOOCS in your ~/.zlogin file:

autoload -Uz compinit && compinit

Non Zsh users

For non-zsh users, some manual setup is required. Depending on your OS and shell, run the following:

  • Bash on Ubuntu (and other Linux distros)

    echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Bash on macOS

    echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bash_profile
  • Fish

    echo 'source ~/.asdf/' >> ~/.config/fish/
    mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions; and cp ~/.asdf/completions/ ~/.config/fish/completions

Restart your shell so that PATH changes take effect. (Opening a new terminal tab will usually do it.)

Also if you're having issues with it not detecting the shims you've installed it's most-likely due to the sourcing of above asdf.bash or not being at the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ It needs to be sourced after you've set your $PATH.

Source: official 'asdf' setup

Install Languages

After installing asdf, this TOOCS can automatically install different versions of the languages of your choice. It will take care of installing the prerequisite dependencies for each language, and install the different versions, usually prefering to compile from source rather than downloading the pre-compiled binaries.

The variable languages_to_install is a list containing all the languages to install, along with the specific versions.

  • To install a language, add an entry to the list in languages_to_install

  • The entry must have the form:

    - LANG:
        - x.x.x
        - y.y.y

    Where LANG is the language name, and x.x.x / y.y.y are version numbers.

  • The list of languages_to_install is ordered:

      - erlang:
          - 21.1.14
      - elixir:
          - 1.7.4

    In this example, both versions of erlang will be installed before elixir is installed. This is convenient since elixir requires erlang to be compiled.

  • For each language, the list of versions to install is also ordered.

    • The first version of the list will be set as global
    • For languages supporting multiple simultaneous global, all versions from the list, in order, will be set as global (ex: python)
      - erlang:
          - 21.1.14
      - python: # Support for multiple `global`
          - 3.7.0
          - 2.6.6
          - 2.7.15

    In this example, after running the TOOCS, the shell will be configured as follow:

    • The erl command (erlang) will point to version 21.1.14
    • The python command will point to version 3.7.0
    • python supporting multiple global, the following commands will also be made available:
      • python3.7 / pip3.7
      • python2.7 / pip2.7
      • python2.6 / pip2.6
      • python3 / pip3 => Latest python3 version: python3.7 / pip3.7
      • python2 / pip2 => Latest python2 version: python2.7 / pip2.7

Supported Languages

  • Python
    • Support for multiple global versions
    • On Debian stretch (and Ubuntu bionic), only python versions >= 2.7.13 and >= 3.5.3 can be installed automatically. Earlier versions can later be manually installed, but it needs a workaround at the moment. See: Pyenv - Common Build Problems - OpenSSL
  • Erlang
    • Compiled with documentation but no jinterface
  • Elixir
    • Requires erlang
    • Explicitely compiled from source
    • **/!\ Make sure the current version of erlang is supported by the version of elixir to install /!\**
      • Ex: elixir v1.6.6 is not compatible with erlang 21! To compile elixir v1.6.6, erlang 20 must be used.

Role Variables

  • asdf_version

    • asdf version to install
    • Default: v0.6.2
  • skip_shell_setup

    • If True will only install asdf without setting up the shell
    • Default: False
  • languages_to_install

    • List of languages, and versions, to install using asdf. See Install Languages
    • Default: []

Example Playbook

- hosts: sandbox
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.asdf

# OR

- hosts: sandbox
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.asdf
        asdf_version: v0.6.1
        skip_shell_setup: True

# OR

- hosts: sandbox
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.asdf
          - python:
              - 3.7.0
              - 2.7.15
              - 2.6.6

          - erlang:
              - 21.1.4

          - elixir:
              - 1.7.4
              - 1.6.6



Author Information

Follow me on Twitter: @ThisIsFlorianK
Find out more about my work: Florian Kempenich - Personal Website

ansible-galaxy install TOOCS/asdf
GitHub repository
The Opinionated One-Click Setups - TOOCS - Logo made with DesignEvo (