
Ansible Role Apache2

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:grey_exclamation: Before using this role, please know that all my Ansible roles are fully written and accustomed to my IT infrastructure. So, even if they are as generic as possible they will not necessarily fill your needs, I advice you to carrefully analyse what they do and evaluate their capability to be installed securely on your servers.

This roles configures an instance of Apache2 daemon.


Require Ansible >= 2.4


If you use the zabbix monitoring profile you will need the role ansible-zabbix-agent

OS Family

This role is available for Debian


At this day the role can be used to :

  • install Apache2
  • configure main server file
  • create virtualhosts configurations
  • manage enabled modules
  • override some modules configurations
  • monitoring items for
    • Zabbix
  • local facts



All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file as well as in table below. To see default values please refer to this file.

Name Description
apache2__version Choose the apache2 version to install (as available in os repositories) Ex: 2.4.25-3+deb9u5
apache2__service_enabled A boolean that enable or not the apache service on boot and at runtime
apache2__service_restartable If true, the apache service will be automatically restarted on configuration changes (set to false in production)
apache2__server_tokens Configure the verbosity of the server token in error pages
apache2__server_signature Print or not the server signature on error pages
apache2__trace_enable Configure the HTTP TRACE method
apache2__ssl_ciphers List the available SSL ciphers, by default only a recommanded subset is configured
apache2__ssl_protocols List the enabled SSL protocols, by default all except SSL 2/3
apache2__ssl_honorciphers Tell to server to prefer it's cipher order instead of client's one
apache2__log_formats A dictionnary that contains all log formats available in apache.
apache2__listen_http List of port/host:port on which apache will listen for http requests
apache2__listen_https List of port/host:port on which apache will listen for https requests

Note about apache2__listen_http(s), for now theses directives are filled manually, I planned to generate it automatically but it appear complicated because virtual hosts can be defined using include_role.

The following variable apply to server and can be overloaded in each virtual host :

Name Description
apache2__serveradmin The optionnal email address of the administrator
apache2__allow_override_list The AllowOverrideList directive
apache2__allow_override The AllowOverride directive
apache2__options The Option directive

To configure which module are enabled or not, you must declare all module's name in any of the following three lists :

  • apache2__modules_enabled_global
  • apache2__modules_enabled_group
  • apache2__modules_enabled_host

By default, no any module is enabled, so be noticed that apache will not stard without any of mpm module enabled. Each entry in theses list must be the module name. In case where a module have a '.conf' and a '.load' file, they will be automatically included as possible. In addition, if the role contains a template file in templates/modules.conf/(module name) directory it will replace any existing distribution's configuration file.

Virtual hosts

Each virtual host must be declared with a vhost block. You can put a vhost block into any of the three available lists

  • apache2__virtual_hosts_global
  • apache2__virtual_hosts_group
  • apache2__virtual_hosts_host

By default each virtual host listen on '*' and on the default port identified according to the HTTP(s) status. If SSL Engine is 'ON' it uses 443, otherwise 80.

Only a subset of apache2 directives and sections are implemented in ansible, you can see available in files directives sections. If you need a directive that is not implemented, you can use the extra_parameters items. But if a sections type is missing, you need to fork and implement it in the role.

Each vhost block must be put in a dict where the key will be the filename of the vhost configuration. Then each vhost must be a dict which can contains theses variables :

Name Type Description
hosts string or array of string/dict list of interface on which the vhost will listen
hosts[] string if an item of the hosts list is a string it will be interpreted as "IP:PORT" or "X.X.X.X:X"
hosts[].ip string if an item of the hosts list is a dict with 'ip' key, it will be interpreted as "IP"
hosts[].port int if an item of the hosts list is a dict with 'port' key, it will be used as listen port. If this key is not set, it will be deducted from HTTP protocol (see above)
server_name string the host of the vhost
server_alias string the hostname alias
server_admin string the optionnal administrator email address
document_root string The path to the document root folder. This directory will be automaticallly created, because Apache won't start if it is missing.
document_root_user string The unix owner of the document root folder. This is only applied if the variable is defined
document_root_group string The unix group of the document root folder.This is only applied if the variable is defined
document_root_mode string The unix mode of the document root folder. This is only applied if the variable is defined. Take care that apache still have access to this folder at least in read only mode
error_log string The path to the error log file. The error log file will be created in this directory, so please ensure apache still sufficients have access rights
error_log_user string The unix owner of the error log directory
error_log_group string The unix group of the error log directory
allow_override string The AllowOverride directive
allow_override_list string The AllowOverrideList directive
options string The Option directive
headers array Array of Header directive
files_match array of dict (see below) Contains FileMatch definition, each one must be a dict with following keys
files_match[].regexp string The regular expression that triggers the file match
files_match[].actions array of string The list of Apache directive to execute when this file match is triggered
extra_parameters array of string Any extra Apache directives
https dict see below for all https subkey
https.enabled boolean True by default, can be use to disable https and preserve configurations string
https.certificate_chain_file string The path to the certificate chain
https.verify_client string The type of client certificate verification to perform
https.verify_client_depth int The maximum depth for client certificate verification
https.ca_certificate_path string The path to the CA certificate directory
https.ca_certificate_file string The path to the CA certificate file
https.crl_path string The path to the CRL folder
https.crl_file string The path to the CRL file


By default the local fact are installed and expose the following variables :

  • ansible_local.apache2.version_full
  • ansible_local.apache2.version_major



Use it in a playbook as follows:

- hosts: all
    - turgon37.apache2


  • Example of manually loaded apache modules
  - access_compat # provide supports for old directives Allow,Order that are deprecated
  - alias  # provide  Alias
#  - auth_basic  # provide Basic HTTP auth
  - authn_core
#  - authn_file  # auth based on htpasswd
  - authz_core
#  - authz_host  # auth based on ip/host
#  - authz_user  # auth based on username
#  - autoindex  # disabled, indexes are disabled
  - deflate # provide Gzip compression
  - dir # provide  DirectoryIndex
  - env  # provide SetEnv
#  - filter  # provide FilterChain
  - headers  # provide RequestHeader
  - mime
  - mpm_prefork
  - negotiation # handle Content Type
  - php7.0
#  - proxy
#  - proxy_http
#  - setenvif
  - ssl  # Handle SSL
  - socache_shmcb  # required by mod_ssl
  • Default debian virtual host
    server_name: www.example.com
    server_admin: webmaster@localhost
    document_root: /var/www/html
      - type: directory
        path: /var/www/html
          - require: all granted
    error_log: '{{ apache2__log_directory }}/error.log'
    custom_log: '{{ apache2__log_directory }}/access.log combined'
  • Simple permanent redirect from HTTP to HTTPs
      - ip: ""
    server_name: www.example.net
    server_alias: www2.example.net
      - RedirectPermanent / https://www.example.net/
  • Proxy pass from HTTPs to HTTP
      - ip:
      - ip:
    server_name: www.example.net
    server_alias: www2.example.net
      - 'ProxyRequests Off'
      - 'ProxyPreserveHost On'
      - 'ProxyPass / http://localhost:3001/'
      - 'ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:3001/'
      certificate_file: /etc/ssl/apache2/www.example.net.pem
      certificate_key_file: /etc/ssl/apache2/www.example.net.key
  • HTTP virtual host with document root and a PHP application (Jeedom)
      - ""
    server_name: jeedom.example.net
    document_root: /var/www/html
    document_root: '{{ jeedom__install_directory }}'
    document_root_user: '{{ apache2__service_user }}'
    document_root_group: '{{ apache2__service_user }}'
    error_log: '{{ jeedom__install_directory }}/log/http.error'
    error_log_user: '{{ apache2__service_user }}'
    error_log_group: '{{ apache2__service_user }}'
      - type: directory
        path: '{{ jeedom__install_directory }}'
          - allow_override: All
          - options: -Indexes -ExecCGI -FollowSymLinks
          - require: all granted
      - type: files_match
        regex: '\.(appcache|atom|bbaw|bmp|crx|css|cur|eot|f4[abpv]|flv|geojson|gif|htc|ico|jpe?g|js|json(ld)?|m4[av]|manifest|map|mp4|oex|og[agv]|opus|otf|pdf|png|rdf|rss|safariextz|svgz?|swf|topojson|tt[cf]|txt|vcard|vcf|vtt|webapp|web[mp]|webmanifest|woff2?|xloc|xml|xpi)$'
          - header:
              - unset Content-Security-Policy
              - unset X-Frame-Options
              - unset X-XSS-Protection
      - header:
          # Content Security Policy (CSP)
          #- set Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'"
          # Reducing MIME type security risks
          - set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
          # Clickjacking
          - set X-Frame-Options "DENY"
          # Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
          - set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
          - unset X-Powered-By
  • HTTPs virtual host with document root and a PHP application (Jeedom)
      - ip:
      - ip:
        port: 4343
    server_name: jeedom.example.net
    document_root: /var/www/html
    allow_override: All
    options: '-Indexes -ExecCGI -FollowSymLinks'
      - set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
      - always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains"
      - set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
      - unset X-Powered-By
      - regexp: '\.(appcache|atom|bbaw|bmp|crx|css|cur|eot|f4[abpv]|flv|geojson|gif|htc|ico|jpe?g|js|json(ld)?|m4[av]|manifest|map|mp4|oex|og[agv]|opus|otf|pdf|png|rdf|rss|safariextz|svgz?|swf|topojson|tt[cf]|txt|vcard|vcf|vtt|webapp|web[mp]|webmanifest|woff2?|xloc|xml|xpi)$'
          - Header unset Content-Security-Policy
          - Header unset X-Frame-Options
          - Header unset X-XSS-Protection
      certificate_file: /etc/ssl/apache2/jeedom.www.example.net.pem
      certificate_key_file: /etc/ssl/apache2/jeedom.www.example.net.key

This role install and configure Apache2 webserver

ansible-galaxy install Turgon37/ansible-apache2
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Ingénieur, Informaticien, curieux de nouvelles technologies. Passionné par le libre et l'esprit de communauté