
Ansible Role SSH server

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:grey_exclamation: Before using this role, please know that all my Ansible roles are fully written and accustomed to my IT infrastructure. So, even if they are as generic as possible they will not necessarily fill your needs, I advice you to carrefully analyse what they do and evaluate their capability to be installed securely on your servers.

This roles allow configuration of ssh server.


Require Ansible >= 2.4


OS Family

This role is available for Debian and CentOS


At this day the role can be used to :

  • install sshd
  • configure sshd
  • filter the initial moduli to remove weak prime numbers
  • local facts

Role Variables

All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file as well as in table below. To see default values please refer to this file.

Most of the variables refers to the pure sshd config parameter. Please fetch informations from the man page.

Name Types/Values Description
ssh_server__facts Boolean Install the local fact script
ssh_server__moduli_minimum Integer The minimum size of primes to keep in moduli file
ssh_server__service_enabled Boolean Enable or not the service
ssh_server__protocol String See manpage
ssh_server__privilege_separation String See manpage
ssh_server__pidfile String See manpage
ssh_server__log_facility String See manpage
ssh_server__log_level String See manpage
ssh_server__ports List of integer See manpage
ssh_server__listen List of ip See manpage
ssh_server__address_family String See manpage
ssh_server__use_dns Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__tcp_keepalive Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__allow_agent_forwarding Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__allow_tcp_forwarding Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__permit_open String See manpage
ssh_server__gateway_ports String See manpage
ssh_server__allow_stream_local_forwarding Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__permit_tunnel Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__compression String See manpage
ssh_server__ip_qos Tuple See manpage
ssh_server__kex_algorithms List of string See manpage
ssh_server__kex_algorithms_additional List of string See manpage
ssh_server__ciphers List of string See manpage
ssh_server__ciphers_additional List of string See manpage
ssh_server__macs List of string See manpage
ssh_server__macs_additional List of string See manpage
ssh_server__server_key_bits Integer See manpage
ssh_server__key_regeneration_interval Integer See manpage
ssh_server__authentication_methods String See manpage
ssh_server__use_pam Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__use_login Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__password_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__permit_empty_passwords Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__challenge_response_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__keyboard_interactive_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__pubkey_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__authorized_keys List of string See manpage AuthorizedKeysFile
ssh_server__authorized_keys_system List of string Contains the path to the global system authorized keys file
ssh_server__authorized_keys_user String Contains the path to the per user authorized keys file
ssh_server__authorized_keys_command String See manpage
ssh_server__authorized_keys_command_user List of string See manpage
ssh_server__permit_blacklisted_keys See manpage
ssh_server__rsa_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__rhosts_rsa_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__host_based_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__host_based_uses_name_from_packet_only Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__ignore_user_known_hosts Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__ignore_rhosts Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__kerberos_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__kerberos_get_afs_token Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__kerberos_or_local_passwd Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__kerberos_ticket_cleanup Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__kerberos_use_kuserok Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_authentication Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_key_exchange Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_cleanup_credentials Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_strict_acceptor_check Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_store_credentials_on_rekey Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__gssapi_enable_k5_users Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__deny_users List of string See manpage
ssh_server__allow_users List of string See manpage
ssh_server__deny_groups List of string See manpage
ssh_server__allow_groups List of string See manpage
ssh_server__permit_root_login String See manpage
ssh_server__login_grace_time String See manpage
ssh_server__max_auth_tries Integer See manpage
ssh_server__max_sessions Integer See manpage
ssh_server__max_startups Specific dict This dict must have the keys 'start', 'rate', 'full' (See manpage)
ssh_server__accept_env List of string See manpage
ssh_server__permit_user_environment Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__permit_user_rc Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__permit_tty Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__strict_modes Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__version_addendum String See manpage
ssh_server__banner String See manpage
ssh_server__debian_banner Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__print_motd Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__print_last_log Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__force_command String See manpage
ssh_server__chroot_directory String See manpage
ssh_server__client_alive_interval Integer See manpage
ssh_server__client_alive_count_max Integer See manpage
ssh_server__x11_forwarding Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__x11_display_offset Integer See manpage
ssh_server__x11_use_localhost Boolean See manpage
ssh_server__subsystems_global/group/host Dict Mapping of subsystem name and subsystem command
ssh_server__match_list_global/group/host List of match bloc Configure match blocs (see below)


You can configure the available match using the ssh_server__match_list_global/group/host variables availables. Theses variable takes list of dict. Each dict must have the following form :

  - match: "match criterias"
    options:                                     # options that apply if "match" matches
      - AllowUsers test                          # a simple string option
      # a dict with version conditioned options
      # according to the current sshd version, the higher version condition win and it's options are applied
      - 8.2: AuthorizedKeysCommand /bin/true     # (string version)
        7.6:                                     # (list version)
          - AuthenticationMethods publickey
          - AllowUsers root
    state: absent               # optional state (default to present)

The available match criterias and options that you can apply depends on your current sshd version.

An example of group only allowed to run sftp is given, if you want to enable it you can use this bloc in inventory :

  - '{{ ssh_server__match_group_sftponly }}'


By default the local fact are installed and expose the following variables :

  version_full: '7.9p1'
  version_major: '7'



Use it in a playbook as follows:

- hosts: all
    - turgon37.ssh_server


To use this role create or update your playbook according the following example :

ssh_server__allow_agent_forwarding: false
ssh_server__allow_tcp_forwarding: false
ssh_server__allow_stream_local_forwarding: false
ssh_server__permit_tunnel: false
ssh_server__compression: true

  - ssh
  - ssh-admins
ssh_server__permit_root_login: false
  start: 5
  rate: 80
  full: 10

  - match: "LocalAddress"
      - AuthenticationMethods publickey,password
    state: present

  - match: "LocalAddress Group ssh-admins"
    - AuthenticationMethods publickey password gssapi-with-mic

  - match: "LocalAddress User root"
      - DenyUsers
      - AllowUsers root
      - DenyGroups
      - AllowGroups root
      - 7.0: 'PermitRootLogin prohibit-password'
        4.9: 'PermitRootLogin without-password'
      - AuthenticationMethods publickey
      - AuthorizedKeysFile /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
      - AuthorizedKeysCommand /bin/true

  - '[gitlab]:7999 ssh-rsa XXXXX'

Example of FreeIPA configuration

ssh_server__authorized_keys: '/dev/null'
ssh_server__authorized_keys_lookup: true
ssh_server__authorized_keys_lookup_command: /usr/bin/sss_ssh_authorizedkeys
ssh_server__pubkey_authentication: true
ssh_server__gssapi_authentication: true

This role configure SSH server

ansible-galaxy install Turgon37/ansible-ssh-server
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