
Role AlternC

Install and configure AlternC in a server (baremetal, virtual or container).

Configures AltenrC hosting panel, that allows any user thas has an account to access AltenrC web GUI, to manage the hosting zones, configure its DNS, web virtual hosts in sub-domains, mysql databases, ftp accounts and mailboxes.

Content of web site can be uploaded through FTP as well as through Alternc web GUI.


AlternC runs on a debian distro. Put the role in your requirements.yml file :

# Role Alternc
- name: alternc
  scm: git

Or install it manually in your roles' folder:

# Set the working directory to your Ansible AltenrnC project root
$ cd myroles

# Install altenrc role
$ ansible-galaxy install udelarinterior.alternc

and call it in your playbooks to run it against a freshlly installed Debian Stretch.

Role Variables

Variables needed are listed and documented in the /defaults/main.yml file. They include the debconf paramenters needed when installing AltenrC package and dependencies, as well as those needed to cofigure after the AltenrC panel (hosting web GUI).

Most of them need to be defined when calling the role, according to your environement.


There are no dependencies form other ansible roles, but you need to have a host with a Debian Stretch installed.


(c) Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Red de Unidades Informáticas de la UdelaR en el Interior. Licenced under GPL-v3

Author Information

  • Oscar Ford: - Espacio Interdisciplinario - UdelaR
  • Santiago Martínez - Comisión Coordinadora del Interior (CCI) - UdelaR
  • Cristhian Choque - Comisión Coordinadora del Interior (CCI) - UdelaR
  • Daniel Viñar - Comisión Coordinadora del Interior (CCI) - UdelaR

Work derived from a first playbook for a baremetal server: oscarf/alternc35_ansible.


Ansible role to install web panel AlternC

ansible-galaxy install UdelaRInterior/ansible-AlternC
GitHub repository
Red Unidades Informáticas de la UdelaR en el Interior