
EC2 API Tools (Java)

Build Status Ansible Role

Install and configure AWS ec2-api-tools on a target node. This does not use the newer (recommended) python package awscli as this was purpose built for use cases that still use the java tools (eg: Bamboo Elastic Agent).


Using this role does not require any explicit requirements other than Ansible itself.

Role Variables

The following variables can be set to alter execution behaviour.

  1. ec2_api_tools_url: Set this if you want to use a custom installation source.
  2. ec2_api_tools_dir: Set this to alter the installation directory.
  3. ec2_api_tools_refresh: Set this to yes if you'd like to force a re-install if a previous installation exists. This is checked for by testing if ec2_api_tools_dir exists, and if set will remove all installations of the tool before installing again.


This role itself does not have any external dependencies. However, if you are executing tests, it will require the galaxy role abn.managed-node-bootstrap to be installed.

Example Playbook

A sample playbook that refreshes any existing installations.

- hosts: all
     - { role: abn.ec2-api-tools-java, ec2_api_tools_refresh: yes }


Before testing, you need to ensure that the submodules required have been cloned.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Local Environment

This role uses Molecule and docker instances to enable testing. You can run this locally on your development environment provided you have python installed and are running the docker daemon.

# install molecule and docker-py requirements
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
molecule test

This will as configured in the default molecule scenario, spin up containers of the supported distributions and execute a sample playbook.


This project also has tox configured to run against multiple ansible versions with Molecule. This can simply be run using tox.


Refer to the Molecule documentation and tox documentation for advance usage instructions.


Apache License 2.0


Install and configure AWS ec2-api-tools on a target node

ansible-galaxy install abn/ansible-role-ec2-api-tools-java
GitHub repository