

This role sets up customer and Adfinis user accounts.


This role assumes that there is an initial non-root user with sudo permissions present on the system ({{users_default_user}}, see Role Variables below).

That user is used for the initial user accounts setup and then deleted. The deletion happens in the last task of this role (so an initial run will work fine, but if repeated, login will fail).

In a playbook (or series of playbook), it is therefore recommended to apply this role in two variants:

  1. The first time, apply with remote_user: {{users_default_user}}.

  2. After than, apply with the intended user (either the personal account, or root, if allowed).

It is recommended to keep a playbook/play around for the initial setup, and a playbook/play for continuous management.

Role Dependencies


Role Variables


  • users_root_password_salt (string, default: unset):
    Salt to be used for hashing the root password.
    Note: Only required if users_root_password is set and users_root_password_is_hashed is false.

  • users_customer_group (string):
    Name of the system group to which all customer user accounts are added.
    Note: Only required if users_customer is non-empty.


  • users_root_password (string, default: unset):
    If this is unset, the root password is not changed.
    If this is set and users_root_password_is_hashed is false, this is the password in clear-text, and users_root_password_salt must also be set.
    If this is set and users_root_password_is_hashed is true, this is assumed to be a hashed password (as produced by ansible.builtin.password_hash).

  • users_root_password_is_hashed (boolean, default: false):
    If set to true, users_root_password is assumed to have been hashed already (in this case, users_root_password_salt is not required).

  • users_root_authorized_keys (list, default: []):
    SSH public keys that will be given authorisation to log in as root.
    Each list element is an object with the following properties:

    • key (string, mandatory):
      Key data itself.
    • comment (string, optional, default: unset):
      Comment, appended to the key line (usually user@host).
    • description (string, optional, default: unset):
      Human-readable description to be placed as a comment in the authorized_keys file above the key line.
    • options (string, optional, default: unset):
      Key options string to be prepended to the key line.
  • users_adfinis (list, default: []):
    Adfinis user accounts to be set up. Each user will be added to the {{users_adfinis_group}} system group. Conversely, every existing non-system user in that group that is not listed in this variable will be deleted.
    Each list element is an object with the following properties:

    • username (string, mandatory):
      User account name.
    • authorized_keys (list, default: []):
      SSH public keys that will be given authorisation to log in as root.
      Each list element is an object with properties as described in users_root_authorized_keys.
  • users_adfinis_group (string, default: adfinis):
    Name of the system group to which all Adfinis user accounts are added.

  • users_adfinis_ssh_pubkey_options (string, default: unset):
    Key options string to be prepended to all key lines.

  • users_adfinis_homedir_mode (file permission mode, default: 0700):
    File permission mode for the home directory of each Adfinis user.
    Note: Because of a historical issue with Jinja2, the octal representation of the mode must either be passed as string (to ensure it is not incorrectly transformed), or this Ansible option must be set to true.

  • users_adfinis_unrestricted_sudo (boolean, default: true):
    Whether or not the Adfinis users are given unrestricted sudo permissions.

  • users_adfinis_user_remove_home (boolean, default: false):
    Whether or not to delete the home directory as well when deleting an unlisted Adfinis account.

  • users_customer (list, default: []):
    Adfinis user accounts to be set up. Each user will be added to the {{users_customer_group}} system group.
    Each list element is an object with properties as described in users_adfinis.

  • users_customer_homedir_mode (file permission mode, default: 0755):
    File permission mode for the home directory of each customer user.
    The default keeps it world-readable so that customers can use sudo -u to run commands as other users and still pass files in their home directory.
    Note: Because of a historical issue with Jinja2, the octal representation of the mode must either be passed as string (to ensure it is not incorrectly transformed), or this Ansible option must be set to true.

  • users_customer_unrestricted_sudo (boolean, default: false):
    Whether or not the customer users are given unrestricted sudo permissions.

  • users_default_user (string, default: adfinis):
    Name of initially existing non-root user account on system, to be deleted.

  • users_default_user_remove_home (boolean, default: false):
    Whether or not to delete the initially existing non-root user account's home directory as well.

Role Tags

  • init: Same as role::users:root and role::users:adfinis combined.
  • role::users: All tasks in this role.
  • role::users:root: All tasks that set up the root user account.
  • role::users:adfinis: All tasks that set up the Adfinis user accounts.
  • role::users:adfinis:create: All tasks that set up the Adfinis user accounts (without deleting).
  • role::users:adfinis:delete: All tasks that delete superfluous Adfinis user accounts.
  • role::users:customer: All tasks that set up customer user accounts.
  • role::users:default: All tasks that clean up the default user account.

Support Policy

Only the latest release is maintained and supported (see the Tags page).

Once a new release is made, the previous release branch no longer receives any bugfixes.


Create and remove posix users and groups, add or remove ssh keys

ansible-galaxy install adfinis-sygroup/ansible-role-users
GitHub repository
Adfinis SyGroup was rebranded to Adfinis, follow the link below: