
Ansible Role


An Ansible role to create new virtual and bare-metal hosts in Satellite 6.x. v2 of Satellite6 API is required.

Role Variables

Variable Name Required Description Type Default
sat6_fqdn yes Fully qualified domain name of the Satellite 6 host. string ""
sat6_user yes Username of the Satellite 6 user that has access to create new hosts. string ""
sat6_pass yes Password of the Satellite 6 user that has access to create new hosts. This should be vaulted to ensure security. string ""
sat6_organization yes Satellite6 organization to create the hosts defined in sat6_hosts. string ""
sat6_fail_on_existing no To fail the playbook if any of the hosts defined in sat6_hosts already exist in Satellite6. Useful when using notifications in Ansible Tower, and you want to be notified on a failure. True means fail if a host exists, False means just output a summary instead and allows for a more idempotent style run. (i.e. you can run the playbook over and over again and it will only create hosts that don't exist) boolean False
sat6_power_on_delay no Seconds to delay between creating a new virtual machine via a compute resource and powering it on (to prevent possible race conditions as the VM is being created in the external system) integer 30
sat6_hosts yes Satellite 6 hosts you would like to create list of dictionaries []

sat6_hosts Dictionary Fields - Common

Fields you can utilize for either bare-metal or virtual host creation.

Field Name Required Description Type
name yes Hostname of the host to create string
comment no A comment that will appear in the host's additional information. A short description of what the host is for. string
domain no Name of the Satellite6 domain to create the host with. Not required if you wish to inherit the host group's default domain, otherwise this overrides the host group default. string
host_group yes Name of the Satellite6 Host Group to create the new host with. If nesting Host Groups, this would be the Host Group name in the form hostgroup1/hostgroup2/hostgroup3, also known as the title in the API. string
ipv4 no IPv4 address to assign to the host. Not required if the host group is configured to suggest an IPv4 address via ipam or dhcp. string
location yes Name of the Satellite6 location where you will be deploying the host. string
partition_table no Name of the Satellite6 partition table to create the host with. Not required if you wish to inherit the host group's default partition table. string
subnet no Name of the Satellite6 subnet to create the host with. Not required if you wish to inherit the host group's default subnet. string
parameters no List of additional Satellite6 host specific parameters you would like to set on the host. This is useful when doing post provisioning tasks and wish to use conditionals based off of these values, etc. list of dictionaries
register_only no Whether to only create the host entry in Satellite6 VS. actually powering it on and provisioning it (Defaults to False). Functionality added for other use-cases than provisioning (i.e. client registration with location specified). If using this method of host creation, you will need to specify compute resources and profiles as they will not be queried from the Host Group. boolean
manage_host no When using register_only: True and force_host_update: True, will allow for the Host's build cycle to become managed by Satellite6. Defaults to False.
force_host_update no When using register_only: True will update the Satellite6 Host to your specified options. Defaults to False. boolean
provision_method no build or image deploy. Defaults to build string

sat6_hosts Dictionary Fields - Virtual

Field Name Required Description Type
compute_profile no Name of the Satellite6 compute profile you want to deploy the host with. If not provided the default from the host group will be utilized. string
compute_resource yes Name of the Satellite6 compute resource you want to deploy the host on. string

sat6_hosts Dictionary Fields - Physical

Field Name Required Description Type
mac yes MAC address of the physical host you want to deploy. string

sat6_hosts.parameters Dictionary Fields

Field Name Required Description Type
name yes Name of the parameter to create string
value yes Value of the parameter to create string


To view full debugging output increase the verbosity to 1 (Verbose) in Ansible Tower, or a single -v in Ansible Core/Engine.

Example Playbook

    - name: "ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts Example Playbook"
      hosts: "localhost"
        - "vars/myvaultedsecrets.yml"
        - name: "Provision Satellite 6 Hosts"
            name: "ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts"
            sat6_fqdn: "mysat6server.mydomain.com"
            sat6_user: "mysat6admin"
            #sat6_pass: "this is set in the vars/myvaultedsecrets.yml file"
            sat6_organization: "my organization"
            sat6_fail_on_existing: True
            #it's recommended to pass sat6_hosts as an extra_variable, but you could set
            #sat6_fail_on_existing: False to run the playbook in a more idempotent style if you wish to
            #keep track of all the sat6 hosts you create in source control
              - name: "my-new-vm"
                host_group: "RHEL7-Virtual"
                location: "Raleigh"
                ipv4: ""
                domain: "redhat.com"
                comment: "Web server to serve cool new website"
                compute_resource: "vsphere.vmware.com" #This is the name of your compute resource
                compute_profile: "3-Large"
                  - name: "build_type"
                    value: "httpd"
              - name: "my-new-bare-metal"
                host_group: "RHEL7-Physical"
                location: "Raleigh"
                ipv4: ""
                domain: "redhat.com"
                comment: "Database server"
                mac: "12:34:56:78:91:23"
              #Register Only(i.e. create only)
              - name: "host1"
                host_group: "RHEL7-Virtual"
                location: "Raleigh"
                ipv4: ""
                domain: "redhat.com"
                comment: "Pre-registration host entry"
                register_only: True
              #Update an existing host (sorry for the lame joke)
              - name: "my-new-vm"
                host_group: "RHEL7-Virtual"
                location: "Armonk"
                ipv4: ""
                comment: "Migrated Q3"
                domain: "ibm.com"
                  - name: "build_type"
                    value: "ihs"
                register_only: True #means don't try and provision
                force_host_update: True #update the host if it exists
              #Manage host builds (provisioning) on presently unmanaged existing host
              - name: "someoldserver"
                host_group: "RHEL7-Physical"
                mac: "32:34:56:78:91:23"
                domain: "redhat.com"
                location: "Raleigh"
                register_only: True
                force_host_update: True
                manage_host: True



Author Information

Andrew J. Huffman


An Ansible role to create new virtual and bare-metal hosts in Satellite 6.x.

ansible-galaxy install ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts
GitHub repository