
Ansible Role: Redis Container

This role creates Redis container on target host


Target host must be running Docker enginer and have Docker PIP module installed.

Role variables

Please refer to defaults/main.yml for full list of available variables.

Network settings

Variable Default Description
ct_redis_enable_ports true Flag that controls if default Redis port is proxied
ct_redis_bind_addr "" IP address Redis container binds to
ct_redis_bind_port "6379" Port Redis container binds to
ct_redis_bind_ct_port "6379" Port Redis server binds to
ct_redis_ct_ports_default [] Default Redis port proxied to container
If {{ ct_redis_enable_ports }} is false, this list is empty
if true list is set to ["{{ ct_redis_bind_addr }}:{{ ct_redis_bind_port }}:{{ ct_redis_bind_ct_port }}"]
ct_redis_ct_ports_extra [] User defined arbitrary ports proxied to container
ct_redis_ct_ports {{ ct_redis_ct_ports_default + ct_redis_ct_ports_extra }} Resulting set of ports proxied to container
passed to ports parameter of docker_container module

Volume settings

Variable Default Description
ct_redis_path_config_base /etc/ct_redis Directory where custom configuration files are placed
ct_redis_path_config_file {{ ct_redis_path_config_base }}/{{ ct_redis_ct_name }}.conf Configuration file name, defaults to container's name
ct_redis_path_ct_config_file /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf Path to custom config inside container
ct_redis_path_data_base /srv/ct_redis Base directory for data volumes
ct_redis_path_data_volume {{ ct_redis_path_data_base }}/{{ ct_redis_ct_name }} Data directory mounted to container
ct_redis_path_ct_data /data Data directory inside container
ct_redis_ct_volumes_data ["{{ ct_redis_path_data_volume }}:{{ ct_redis_path_ct_data }}"] Data directory mount
ct_redis_ct_volumes_config [] Custom config mount,
if {{ ct_redis_enable_custom_config }} is true,
value is set to ["{{ ct_redis_path_config_file }}:{{ ct_redis_path_ct_config_file }}:ro"]
ct_redis_ct_volumes_extra [] User defined arbitrary mounts to container,
in format ["/source:/dest"]
ct_redis_ct_volumes {{ ct_redis_ct_volumes_data + ct_redis_ct_volumes_config + ct_redis_ct_volumes_extra }} Resulting set of mounts,
passed to volumes parameter of docker_container module

Custom config

The role provides a simple flag to enable custom configuration file for Redis container.

Variable Default Description
ct_redis_enable_custom_config false Flag controls mounting custom config file to container
If value set to true, variables {{ ct_redis_ct_volumes_config }} and {{ ct_redis_ct_command_custom_config }} are overrriden from vars, once flag enabled redis configuration file is created from template on target host and mounted to container, path to config file is appended to container's CMD
ct_redis_cfg_extra {} Key-value pairs of Redis configuration parameters for default custom config template


Variable Default Description
ct_redis_ct_command_custom_config [] Path to custom config file inside container that is appended to container's CMD,
if {{ ct_redis_enable_custom_config }} is true, value set to ["{{ ct_redis_path_ct_config_file }}"]
ct_redis_ct_command_options [] User defined arbitrary options passed to redis-server executable
ct_redis_ct_command {{ [\"redis-server\"] + ct_redis_ct_command_custom_config + ct_redis_ct_command_options }} Resulting command passed to container as command parameter of docker_container volume



Example playbook

# Creates Redis container binded to custom IP address and port
- hosts:
    - redis_server
  become: true
    - role: almaops.ct_redis
      ct_redis_bind_addr: ""
      ct_redis_bind_port: "26379"

# Creates Redis container with custom config from your own redis.conf template
- hosts:
    - redis_server
  become: true
    - role: almaops.ct_redis
      ct_redis_enable_custom_config: true
      ct_redis_template_config: "/path/to/custom/redis.conf.j2"




Valentin Gostev.


Ansible role deploys Redis container

ansible-galaxy install almaops/ansible-role-ct_redis
GitHub repository
Premium IT Consulting