Role Name
Ansible role to dumps the current mongo database, tars it, then sends it to an Amazon S3 bucket
Role Variables
In the current version, following variables can be specified:
script_dir: Directory to copy the scripts and to store temporary backup
backup_script_params: These params are required by the role to take backup and push to S3
- -u Mongodb user - optional
- -p Mongodb password - optional
- -k AWS Access Key
- -s AWS Secret Key
- -r Amazon S3 region
- -b Amazon S3 bucket name
- -x S3 key prefix
- -a Days of data to keep
eg: "-u ubuntu -p password -k AWS_Access_Key -s AWS_Secret_Key -r Amazon_S3_region -b Amazon_S3_bucket_name -x backup -a 7"
cron_minute: Minute when the job should run - default: 0
cron_hour: Hour when the job should run - default: 10
cron_day: Day when the job should run - default: *
cron_month: Month when the job should run - default: *
cron_weekday: Weekday when the job should run - default: *
This package has no dependencies on modules not included with Ansible by default.
Author Information
Created by Amrit Singh
Ansible role to dumps the current mongo database, tars it, then sends it to an Amazon S3 bucket
ansible-galaxy install amritsingh/mongo_s3_backup