
Ansible Role for Solr Cloud

This is an ansible role to install Solr Cloud. Configuration is maintained in Zookeeper. Each EC2 instance running Solr also runs an instance of Zookeeper.


  • zk: Intall, configue and run Zookeeper
  • solr: Install, configure and run Solr Cloud
  • copy_collection_config: Copy collection config files and custom jars to Zookeeper instances
  • collection: Create a new collection
  • change_replica: Replaces a Solr server


Most of the variables can be found in defaults/main.yml. Variables to create collections are as follows:

  - name: collection1
    upload_to_zookeeper: True
    config_local_folder: solr_configs/collection1
    copy_remote_folder: /home/ubuntu
    config_remote_folder: /home/ubuntu/collection1
    zookeeper_configset_name: collection1
    create_collection: True
    collection_name: collection1
    number_shards: 3
    replication_factor: 2
    max_shards_per_node: 1
  - name: collection2
    upload_to_zookeeper: True
    config_local_folder: solr_configs/collection2
    copy_remote_folder: /home/ubuntu
    config_remote_folder: /home/ubuntu/collection2
    zookeeper_configset_name: collection2
    create_collection: True
    collection_name: collection2
    number_shards: 3
    replication_factor: 2
    max_shards_per_node: 1

Steps to setup new Solr Cloud servers

  • To install Zookeeper use "zk" tag.
  • To install SolrCloud use "solr" tag.
  • Copy the collections to all the servers using "copy_collection_config" tag.
  • Create collections by using tag "collection"

To replace a server which is down with a new server

  • Run the role for all the servers excluding the server which is down and including the new server with tag 'zk'
  • Run the role with 'solr' and 'copy_collection_config' tags on the new server
  • Run 'change_replica' for all the servers

Future Enhancements

Separate Zookeeper instances will be taken up in future.


Ansible role to install Solr Cloud. Configuration is maintained in Zookeeper. Each EC2 instance running Solr also runs an instance of Zookeeper

ansible-galaxy install amritsingh/solr_cloud_ansible
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