Ansible Role - Ansible-Semaphore
Role to provision Ansible Semaphore on a linux server.
Semaphore is a lightweight alternative to Ansible AWX. (WebUI for Ansible usage)
- Debian 11
# latest
ansible-galaxy role install git+
# from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.sw_semaphore
# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.sw_semaphore --roles-path ./roles
# install dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
You want a simple Ansible GUI? Check-out my Ansible WebUI
Minimal config:
domain: ''
# optional:
# version: '2.8.90'
# admin:
# user: 'admin'
# name: 'AnsibleGuy'
# email: '[email protected]'
Define the config as needed:
webserver: true # install and configure local nginx with min-ca cert
database: true # install and configure local mariadb
backup: true # install service for daily local database backup (if database is managed)
user: true # create service-user 'semaphore'
ansible_cfg: true # provision /home/semaphore/.ansible.cfg
admin: true # add admin-user after installation
version: '2.8.90' # see:
persistent_requirements: false
user: 'admin'
email: '[email protected]'
pwd: !vault |
config: # config key-value pairs as set in 'config.json':
concurrency_mode: 'node'
email_sender: '[email protected]'
email_host: ''
email_alert: true
# optional
ldap_enable: true
ldap_needtls: true
ldap_binddn: 'service_semaphore'
ldap_bindpassword: !vault |
ldap_server: ''
ldap_searchfilter: '(&(mail=%s)(objectClass=person)(memberOf:=CN=semaphore,OU=Groups,DC=template,DC=ansibleguy,DC=net))' # login with mail; must be in group 'semaphore'
# optional => see:
cookie_hash: !vault |
cookie_encryption: !vault |
access_key_encryption: !vault |
requirements: # requirements your execution-environment needs
pip: ['httpx'] # any python3-modules
collections: ['community.general'] # any ansible-collections (if persistent_requirements=true)
roles: [] # any ansible-roles (if persistent_requirements=true)
ansible_config: # /home/semaphore/.ansible.cfg => if manage.ansible_cfg=true; see:
defaults: # section
remote_port: 48322
vault_id_match: 'semaphore'
context: 2
retention_days: 30
You might want to use 'ansible-vault' to encrypt your passwords:
ansible-vault encrypt_string
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml
There are also some useful tags available:
- webserver
- database
- config
- requirements
To debug errors - you can set the 'debug' variable at runtime:
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e debug=yes
Package installation
- Ansible-Semaphore in the specified version
- Python3 PIP
- Python3 Virtual-Environment
- Ansible
- common Ansible Jinja-Filter dependencies
- Git
Service: 'semaphore.service'
Service-user: 'semaphore'
Default config:
- Directories:
- Venv: '/var/local/lib/semaphore_venv'
- Config: '/etc/semaphore'
- Backup: '/var/backups/semaphore'
- Tmp/Run: '/tmp/.semaphore'
- Directories:
Default opt-ins:
Default opt-outs:
- Persistent requirements
- Update service: 'semaphore-requirements.service'
- Persistent requirements
Note: this role currently only supports debian-based systems
Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.
For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!
Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!
Note: If you like to use docker => you might want to check out the official docker-image of Ansible-Semaphore instead!
Info: Persistent requirements can be used to speed up executions:
It will install & update ansible-roles & ansible-collections using an external service/timer.
By default, semaphore will need to re-install them ON EACH EXECUTION.
For this to work - you will also have to make sure that the requirements files do not exist in your repositories:
- $REPO/collections/requirements.yml
- $REPO/roles/requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.sw_semaphore