Ansible Nginx role
Ansible role to install Nginx on Debian/Red Hat OS family.
This role uses three type of variables. First and second depends on installation type. Third is general variables regardless of the choice of the installation type.
General variables
- install_from - The type of Nginx instalation. [source | repo]. Default:
- nginx_http_add - List of additioanl params that will be added to the http section of Nginx configuration file. Default: []
- nginx_stream_add - List of additioanl params that will be added to the stream section of Nginx configuration file. Default: []
- ssl_cert_path - directory for SSL certificates which are used by Nginx. Default:
Web server
- nginx_virtual_servers - list of virtual servers. Default: []
- listen - specify the IP address and port (or Unix domain socket and path) on which the server listens for requests
- server_name - list of names of a virtual server
- locations - list of locations
- location - configuration depending on a request URI.
- params - sets parameters for location. For example
and etc.
TCP and UDP Load Balancing
- tcp_udp_nlb List of dictionaries of (upstreams) backend servers for TCP and UDP load balancing with fields
- name - upstream's name
- listen - port for listining incoming traffic on nginx proxy
- servers - list of backend's servers
- stub_status - If true role will setting Nginx monitoring tool by ngx_http_stub_status_module. Default:
- stub_status_settings Dictionary of stub_status settings with fields
- listen - Sets the address and port for IP, or the path for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Default:
- server_name - Sets names of a virtual server. Default:
- location - Sets configuration depending on a request URI. Default:
- listen - Sets the address and port for IP, or the path for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Default:
- proxy_ssl - Enables the SSL/TLS protocol for connections to a proxied server.
- proxy_ssl_certificate - Specifies a file with the certificate in the PEM format used for authentication to a proxied HTTPS server
- proxy_ssl_certificate_key - Specifies a file with the secret key in the PEM format used for authentication to a proxied HTTPS server.
- proxy_ssl_ciphers - Specifies the enabled ciphers for connections to a proxied server. The ciphers are specified in the format understood by the OpenSSL library.
- ssl_certificate - Specifies a file with the secret key in the PEM format for the given virtual server.
- ssl_certificate_key - Specifies a file with the secret key in the PEM format used for authentication to a proxied server.
Install from repository variables
Install from source variables
- nginx_with_modules - List of not default Nginx modules. List of modules is here. Default: []
Example Playbook
- name: Install Nginx app
hosts: all
remote_user: vagrant
become: true
- artem_shestakov.nginx
- install_from: source
- nginx_with_modules:
- --with-file-aio
- --with-ipv6
- --with-http_ssl_module
- --with-http_v2_module
- --with-http_realip_module
- --with-http_addition_module
- --with-http_xslt_module=dynamic
- --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic
- --with-http_sub_module
- --with-http_dav_module
- --with-http_flv_module
- --with-http_mp4_module
- --with-http_gunzip_module
- --with-http_gzip_static_module
- --with-http_random_index_module
- --with-http_secure_link_module
- --with-http_degradation_module
- --with-http_slice_module
- --with-http_stub_status_module
- --with-http_perl_module=dynamic
- --with-http_auth_request_module
- --with-mail=dynamic
- --with-mail_ssl_module
- --with-stream=dynamic
- --with-stream_ssl_module
- --with-debug
- tcp_udp_nlb:
- name: example
- name: example2
- 10002
Copy certificates to Nginx server
- Put your certificates in directory
- Set variables
- copy_ssl_certs - true if need copy your certificates from local machine to remote Nginx server
- user_certs_path - list of directories with your SSL certs which need copy to Nginx. Default: ['./files/ssl/*']
Author Information
Artem Shestakov (