
Helm (Ansible Role)



Ansible role to install Helm.


The role was developed and tested with the following Ansible versions.

Name Version
ansible >= 2.9.13
ansible-base >= 2.10.1
ansible-core >= 2.11.2


The role was tested on the following distributions and releases.

Name Version
Ubuntu jammy
Ubuntu focal


ansible-galaxy install averagebit.helm will install the latest stable release.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml will install the role from a requirements file.

# requirements.yml
  - name: averagebit.helm
    version: 1.0.0


  • helm_os
    • Default: "linux"
    • Description: The OS target for the binary.
  • helm_version
    • Default: "latest"
    • Description: The version of the binary can be a specific version such as: "3.9.0".
  • helm_owner
    • Default: "root"
    • Description: The owner of the installed binary.
  • helm_group
    • Default: "root"
    • Description: The group of the installed binary.
  • helm_mode
    • Default: "0755"
    • Description: The permissions of the installed binary.
  • helm_bin_dir_mode
    • Default: "0755"
    • Description: The permissions of the binary directory.
  • helm_bin_dir
    • Default: "/usr/local/share/helm"
    • Description: The directory to install the binary in.
  • helm_bin_path
    • Default: "{{ helm_bin_dir }}/helm"
    • Description: The full path to the binary.
  • helm_link_path
    • Default: "/usr/local/bin/helm"
    • Description: The symlink path created to the binary.
  • helm_download_dir
    • Default: "/tmp"
    • Description: The directory the file will be downloaded in.
  • helm_download_path
    • Default: "{{ helm_download_dir }}/helm.tar.gz"
    • Description: The full path to the downloaded file.
  • helm_repo_url
    • Default: "https://get.helm.sh"
    • Description: The URL to the repository.
  • helm_file_url
    • Default: "{{ helm_repo_url }}/helm-v{{ helm_version }}-{{ helm_os }}-{{ helm_architecture }}.tar.gz"
    • Description: The URL to the file.
  • helm_version_url
    • Default: "https://api.github.com/repos/helm/helm/releases/latest"
    • Description: The URL to fetch the latest version from.
  • helm_checksum_url
    • Default: "{{ helm_file_url }}.sha256sum"
    • Description: The URL to the checksum of the file.
  • helm_architecture
    • Default: "{{ helm_architecture_map[ansible_architecture] }}"
    • Description: The architecture target for the binary.
  • helm_architecture_map
    • Default: {"aarch": "arm64", "aarch64": "arm64", "amd64": "amd64", "arm64": "arm64", "armhf": "armhf", "armv7l": "armhf", "ppc64le": "ppc64le", "s390x": "s390x", "x86_64": "amd64"}
    • Description: The architecture map used to set the correct name according to the repository binary naming.


# playbook.yml
- hosts: servers
    - role: averagebit.helm
      become: true # required unless specified at the playbooks top level
      tags: helm # (optional) convenience tag
    - helm_version: latest # or a specific version such as: 3.9.0

Copyright 2022 averagebit <[email protected]>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Ansible role to install Helm.

ansible-galaxy install averagebit/ansible-role-helm
GitHub repository