Role Name
This Ansible role installs WSO2 products from repacked zip files.
This role performs the default install proces to WSO2 products: Api-manager and Integrator. It requires that you repack the zip file obtained from with the source folders placed directly under the root folder instead of product_folder > source folders. When you unzip the repacked folder you should get the source folders outside of any folder. Observation: This role doesn't encrypt any password, it only installs the products on its defaults
Since version 6.0.0 the WSO2 integrator product contains: esb, dss and msg-broker, but it's possible to install each product on separated instances. If you need to do so, just run the playbook with the accordingly PRODUCT_NAME. If you want to install the integrator with all products on the same instance, you could use "esb" or "dss" as PRODUCT_NAME and you will have the complete integrator install. The "msg-broker" has a separated folder and start scripts that are under the integrator root folder and you should use it on PRODUCT_NAME if you want to install specifically it.
Role Variables
Please check test/test.yml
Java JDK
Example Playbook
Author Information
Bruno Amaral
ansible-galaxy install bamaralf/wso2_install