TYPO3 CMS Deployment via Ansible
Note: this is a demo repository which showed an example on how to use deploy_helper
from Ansible, but was never used in production.
A role that uses ansible's deploy_helper (introduced in Ansible 2.0) to ease deploying of TYPO3 CMS projects.
A running application server with PHP (and composer if necessary) should be available.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
t3deploy_base_path: /var/www/
The deployment main path. Inside this directory, "releases" and "shared" folders are created, as well as the "current" link to the project.
t3deploy_repository_url: ssh://[email protected]:bmack/ansible-role-t3deploy.git
The GIT repository URL to use for cloning the project on the target systems.
t3deploy_repository_version: master
The GIT repository branch, tag or sha1 to check out on the target system. This is usually different for local, test and production systems and should be overriden in the group_vars/ or the playbook.yml itself.
t3deploy_web_directory: web/
Optionally the path to the site root if your TYPO3 project is installed with the composer web path option. If you don't define the web directory like this in your composer.json project file, you need to set this property to an empty string:
"extra": {
"typo3/cms": {
"web-dir": "web"
- "{{ t3deploy_web_directory }}fileadmin"
- "{{ t3deploy_web_directory }}uploads"
- "{{ t3deploy_web_directory }}anotherdirectory"
The shared directories which will be symlinked from the shared/ folder into the new release on deployment.
- "{{ t3deploy_web_directory }}typo3temp"
A list of directories that are created if not existant after deploying a new version.
t3deploy_create_index_file: false
Some hosters have problems using symlinks for the index.php file. However TYPO3 symlinks index.php by default to typo3_src/index.php. If this option is enabled, the typo3_src/index.php file is copied at each deployment and the symlink is removed.
t3deploy_composer_enabled: true
Whether the composer dependency manager should run, enabled by default. For instances where TYPO3 is not set up via composer, disabling this command will result in
t3deploy_composer_command: composer.phar
Defines the executable for running the composer install command, if it's not in the PATH of the user already.
t3deploy_typo3_context: Production
The TYPO3 Context that should be used. Use it in conjunction with EXT:environment.
- ansible.cfg
- build/
- bootstrap.sh
- Vagrantfile
A list of files and folders in your repository that should be removed from the directory once the deployment is finished.
Example Playbook
This is how an example project could look like
- hosts: prod
t3deploy_repository_url: ssh://[email protected]:bmack/myrepository.git
t3deploy_web_directory: htdocs/
t3deploy_create_index_file: true
t3deploy_composer_command: /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
- { role: bmack.t3deploy }
- hosts: test
t3deploy_typo3_context: Testing
t3deploy_repository_version: develop
t3deploy_repository_url: ssh://[email protected]:bmack/myrepository.git
t3deploy_web_directory: htdocs/
t3deploy_create_index_file: true
t3deploy_composer_command: /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
- { role: bmack.t3deploy }
Author Information
Created by Benjamin Mack for b:13.
A role for deploying projects of the PHP-based Enterprise CMS TYPO3
ansible-galaxy install bmack/ansible-role-t3deploy