
Ansible AWX install role

test status Role is tested on, Ubuntu with Docker installed via my role bsmeding.docker on Linux distribution.

This role will install AWX in docker containers on the host, currently the latest docker version (17.1.0) is stable and tested

Higher versions will be build in docker container and are not officialy supported by Ansible for production use.

Run twice

This role will place a file after succesful deployment in the docker_compose dir named awx_playbook_complete if the role running again it will skip all the installation and only runs the configuration part of the role. This is to speed up the role. If you want to redploy, first remove this file from the host


Install collection awx.awx for configuration of AWX after installation ansible-galaxy collection install awx.awx

For RedHat it is needed to install EPEL repository first (see geerlingguy.ansible_role_epel)

Ansible till version 17.1 (default)

This will install in docker containers, as the normal way of higher versions is the use of Kubernetes instead of Docker. Although it is possible to install higher versions in docker, it is only adviced as Development environments.

Ansible 18 and up

Currently not supported yet! In future release of this role it will be possible to build higher versions directly on the host, but as stated above this is only adviced for development environments.

Create super user

In new versions it is not possible to add super user via environment variables, we need to run a command in the container: login to Docker host and execute following command to create superuser docker exec -ti tools_awx_1 awx-manage createsuperuser Answer questions (username, email, password)

Create Virtual Environments (Ansible AWX till version 17.1)

For AWX versions till 17.1.0 a Python virtual environment is used. Those can be installed with this playbook by setting custom_venv variable with a list of virtual environments to create. Also the path is needed custom_venv_dir that will be created on the host and linked to AWX container, this variable is then needed in AWX settings as custom_venv.

Optional a seperate Python version can be used for the venv when setting python_version variable. If not set it will use the OS default Python version.

custom_venv_delete_before_install: false
custom_venv_dir: /opt/awx/venv
# Custom python dir, need to build different virtual env
custom_python_dir: /opt/python
  - name: ansible2_10_3
    python_version: 3.6.8
    - ansible==2.10.3
    - ansible-lint
    - pynautobot
    - jmespath
    - napalm
    - netmiko
    - paramiko

Virtual env path will be automatically added to the AWX instance

LDAP Config

If needed it is possible to add LDAP config, currently the default and 1 LDAP servers are configured.

# awx__ldap_server_uri: ldap://
# awx__ldap_bind_dn: CN=readonly,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com
# awx__ldap_bind_password: password
# awx__ldap_group_type: NestedMemberDNGroupType
# awx__ldap_user_dn_template: uid=%(user)s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
# awx__ldap_require_group: cn=AWX,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
# awx__ldap_deny_group: ''
# awx__ldap_user_search: []
# awx__ldap_group_search: []
# awx__ldap_user_attr_map: {}
# awx__ldap_group_type_parameters: {}
# awx__ldap_user_flags_by_group: {}
# awx__ldap_organization_map: {}
# awx__ldap_team_map: {}

Example: confif for LDAP support and automatic group config

awx__ldap_server_uri: ldap://
awx__ldap_bind_dn: CN=readonly,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com
awx__ldap_bind_password: password
awx__ldap_group_type: NestedMemberDNGroupType
awx__ldap_user_dn_template: uid=%(user)s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
awx__ldap_require_group: cn=AWX,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
awx__ldap_deny_group: ''
awx__ldap_user_search: [
awx__ldap_group_search: [
awx__ldap_user_attr_map: {
  "first_name": "givenName",
  "last_name": "sn"
awx__ldap_group_type_parameters: {
  "name_attr": "cn",
  "member_attr": "member"
awx__ldap_user_flags_by_group: {
  "is_superuser": [
awx__ldap_organization_map: {}
awx__ldap_team_map: {
  "Netwerk beheer": {
    "users": [
    "organization": "MyOrg",
    "remove": true
  "Netwerk developer": {
    "users": [
    "organization": "MyOrg",
    "remove": true

Organization and Teams

To add organizations and/or Teams, add the following variables:

  - name: MyOrg
    # custom_virtualenv: ansible3
    - name: DevOps
      description: DevOps
    - name: Support
      description: Support Team

Role to Install Ansible AWX (opensource Tower) in Docker container

ansible-galaxy install bsmeding/ansible_role_awx_docker
GitHub repository
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