A simple ansible role that will configure one or more Wiremock servers to run.
Role Variables
Things that you might want to change:
wiremock_install: true
By default, this role will install wiremock, but setting this to false will skip installation. (So that you can skip it on production environments for example)
wiremock_daemon: true
Installs wiremock as a init V script. If this is set to false, this role will simply download the jar file for you and put it somewhere sane
wiremock_service_state: started
If you set wiremock_daemon
to true
then this variable can be used to ensure how that service is run.
wiremock_root_dir: /var/wiremock
A base directory to install wiremock mappings and the like.
- name: wiremock
port: 8080
root_dir: "{{ wiremock_root_dir }}"
The important bit. This allows you to create one or more start scripts, so that you can have multiple servers for multiple mocked services. NOTE: Ensure that the name, port and root_dir are all unique or you're going to have a bad time. An example of multiple services would be:
- name: wiremock-oauth
port: 8080
root_dir: "{{ wiremock_root_dir }}/oauth"
enable_local_response_templating: true
enable_global_response_templating: false
- name: wiremock-service-1
port: 8081
root_dir: "{{ wiremock_root_dir }}/service-1"
enable_local_response_templating: false
- name: wiremock-service-2
port: 8082
root_dir: "{{ wiremock_root_dir }}/service-2"
Things that you probably don't want to touch:
wiremock_version: 2.17.0
wiremock_src: "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/tomakehurst/wiremock-standalone/{{ wiremock_version }}/wiremock-standalone-{{ wiremock_version }}.jar"
wiremock_original: "/usr/share/java/wiremock-standalone-{{ wiremock_version }}.jar"
wiremock_dest: /usr/share/java/wiremock-standalone.jar
Where you want it all installed to and what version you want to grab.
wiremock_user: nobody
wiremock_group: nogroup
Who you want wiremock to run as
- geerlingguy.java
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- { role: c0ntax.wiremock, wiremock_install: true, wiremock_daemon: true }
ansible-galaxy install c0ntax/ansible-role-wiremock