
Catosplace Engineering Ansible Base Role

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This Ansible role is used by Catosplace Engineering team members to install some common tooling.

Base Tools

Current Catosplace Engineering base tooling:

Temporary tooling installed at this time until a Catosplace Engineering Ansible role is implemented:

  • yamllint - Linter for YAML files
  • ansible-lint - Linter for Ansible playbooks, roles and collections

Planned Catosplace Engineering base tooling:

  • docker - Container Runtime
  • docker-compose - Used to run multi-container Docker applications
  • git - Distributed version control
  • act - Used to run GitHub Actions locally


There are no requirements outside Ansible to run this role.

Role Variables

At this time there is some temporary tooling required to for building this role. These will be moved to other roles as and when they are built. The role enables them to be present or absent using the temporary_tooling_state variable.

Each of the core tools installed will have an installation path, version and potentially a verification mechanism which will have defaults but which can also utilise variables.

Variable Required Default Choices Comments
temporary_tooling_state no present present, absent Use Temporary Tools
adr_tools_install_path no /opt/adr-tools adr-tools Installation Path
adr_tools_version no 3.0.0 Version of ADR Tools
adr_tools_sha256 no SHA for 3.0.0 SHA for ADR Tools
pre_commit_version no 2.20.0 Version of pre-commit required

Example Playbook

Simple Playbook

- hosts:
  connection: local
    - catosplace.engineering_base

Specific Version Playbook

- hosts:
  connection: local
    - catosplace.engineering_base
      adr_tools_version: 3.0.0
      adr_tools_sha256: "9490f31a457c253c4113313ed6352efcbf8f924970a309a08488833b9c325d7c"


Catosplace Engineering Base Role - Provide Base Tooling for Catosplace Engineering teams

Copyright (C) 2022 Catoplace Engineering

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Author Information

This role was built and is maintained by the Catosplace Engineering team.

Pre-Commit Hooks

This role utilisies the pre-commit tooling to preform checks, linting and even generation of Architecture Decision Record documentation. These checks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file and include the following key checks:

  • yamllint
  • ansible-lint
  • generate-adr-docs

To start using these hooks contributors should install them using the pre-commit install command. This will ensure that pre-commit runs automatically on git commit!

These checks can be run before commiting to GitHub using the pre-commit command, to run all checks. Specific checks can be run using the pre-commit run <HOOK> command, i.e pre-commit run yamllint will run just the yamllint check.

Architecture Decision Records

This role uses Architecture Decision Records (ADR) to capture significant design decisions. If you are new to the concept of ADRs then it is recommended you read Documenting Architecture Decision by Michael Nygard.

This role uses a lightweight ADR toolset created by Nat Pryce's adr-tools. ADRs for this role are stored under the doc/adr folder.

The ADRs for this role can be found in the document.

Useful Manual ADR Tool Information

Regenerate the

adr generate toc \
  -p doc/adr/ \
  -i doc/adr/ \
  -o doc/adr/  >

NOTE: This action command is incorporated in the pre-commit hooks provided. Running the command pre-commit run generate-adr-docs will result in this command being run. It will also be run before any commits as part of the pre-commit checks. Contributors no longer need to remember to run this command.

Running GitHub Actions Locally

When making changes to the the GitHub Action in this repository contributors should utilise the act tool that enables fast feedback by running actions locally.

The yamllint action used by the GitHub Action performs a build when not run locally which does not appear to work with act. To work around this contributors should perform the following action to build a container for use locally.

docker build \
  -t act-frenck-action-yamllint-v1-dockeraction:latest \

NOTE: Ensure you use the correct version tag for the action when running this command

Useful Information

To run current tests

ansible-playbook ./tests/test.yml \
  -i tests/inventory \
  --ask-become-pass \
  --check \
  --verbose \
  --tags adr,temporary_tools,pre-commit,python_pip

Ansible Galaxy Role Id

To produce the Ansible Galaxy status buttons for this role documentation, the Ansible Galaxy role id is required.

The following command can be used to obtain the Ansible Galaxy role id:

ansible-galaxy info \
  catosplace.engineering_base \
  | grep -E 'id: [0-9]' | awk {'print $2'}

Ansible Galaxy Import using Act

Prior to tagging releases this role can be imported into Ansible Galaxy using act. This can be done using the following command:

act \
  -j ansible-galaxy-import \
  -s galaxy_api_key=<GALAXY_API_KEY>

More information about importing this role to Ansible Galaxy can be found here.



Install Catosplace engineering team base tooling

ansible-galaxy install catosplace/ansible-engineering-base-role
GitHub repository