This role allows you to create a PostgreSQL database using AWS' RDS.
Since this role interacts with AWS, it requires the boto package be installed. The features in this role rely on boto >= 2.26
being installed on the host the role runs on. We also requires psycopg2
to interact with the database.
Role Variables
This role interacts with AWS, so you must set your credentials to use the role. If credentials are not provided as variables, Ansible will attempt to look them up from environment variables as described here.
aws_access_key: your-access-key
aws_secret_key: your-secret-key
aws_region: your-aws-region
The role uses a few common AWS variables in order to provide default names for other parameters.
aws_application_name: my-application
aws_tags: {}
The following parameters are used when creating the database instance. You will most likely want to change these parameters as they default to the smallest values possible.
db_instance_name: "{{ aws_application_name }}-db"
db_instance_size: 5
db_instance_type: db.t2.micro
application: "{{ aws_application_name }}"
role: database
db_instance_tags: "{{ db_instance_default_tags | combine(aws_tags) }}"
db_instance_subnet: default
# Credentials for the admin user
db_admin_username: dbadmin
db_admin_password: password
By default, the RDS instance is created with a security group that allows access from anywhere for the duration of the role. After the role, the security group doesn't allow any access by default. If the desired rules are not known at run time, we save a reference to the created security group as db_security_group
db_instance_sg_name: "{{ aws_application_name }}-db-sg"
db_instance_sg_description: Security group for '{{ aws_application_name }}' databases.
# Override this with your desired rules
db_instance_sg_rules: []
# These are the rules that allow access when the role is running
- proto: tcp
from_port: 5432
to_port: 5432
Each instance can host multiple databases. Databases are specified with a name and optional parameters. The users given for each database will have ALL privileges on the database.
db_map: {}
# An example of multiple databases with multiple users
john: johnpassword
alice: alicepassword
phil: philpassword
Example Playbook
Since the role uses local_action
commands, it makes the most sense to
set the host to the local machine.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- cdriehuys.rds-postgres
Author Information
Chathan Driehuys cdriehuys@gmail.com
ansible-galaxy install cdriehuys/ansible-role-rds-postgres