

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/aptitude/badges/master/pipeline.svg :alt: pipeline

.. image:: https://travis-ci.com/constrict0r/aptitude.svg :alt: travis

.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/aptitude/badge :alt: readthedocs

Ansible role to use as a wrapper for apt <https://wiki.debian.org/Apt>_ to manage packages.

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/avatar.png :alt: avatar

Full documentation on Readthedocs <https://aptitude.readthedocs.io>_.

Source code on:

Github <https://github.com/constrict0r/aptitude>_.

Gitlab <https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/aptitude>_.

Part of: <https://gitlab.com/explore/projects?tag=doombot>_

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/doombot.png :alt: doombot


.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/ingredient.png :alt: ingredient


  • Description <#Description>_
  • Usage <#Usage>_
  • Variables <#Variables>_
    • packages <#packages>_
    • packages_purge <#packages-purge>_
    • configuration <#configuration>_
  • YAML <#YAML>_
  • Attributes <#Attributes>_
    • item_expand <#item-expand>_
    • item_path <#item-path>_
  • Requirements <#Requirements>_
  • Compatibility <#Compatibility>_
  • License <#License>_
  • Links <#Links>_
  • UML <#UML>_
    • Deployment <#deployment>_
    • Main <#main>_
  • Author <#Author>_


Ansible role to use as a wrapper for apt to manage packages.

This role performs the following actions:

  • Ensure the requirements are installed.

  • Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root) permissions.

  • Update the apt cache.

  • If the packages_purge variable is defined, purge the packages listed on it.

  • If the configuration variable is defined, purge the packages_purge listed on it.

  • If the packages variable is defined, install the packages listed on it.

  • If the configuration variable is defined, install the packages listed on it.


  • To install and execute:



  ansible-galaxy install constrict0r.aptitude
  ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K
  • Passing variables:



  ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K \
      -e "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"
  • To include the role on a playbook:



  - hosts: servers
        - {role: constrict0r.aptitude}
  • To include the role as dependency on another role:



    - role: constrict0r.aptitude
      packages: [gedit, rolldice]
  • To use the role from tasks:



  - name: Execute role task.
      name: constrict0r.aptitude
      packages: [gedit, rolldice]

To run tests:


cd aptitude chmod +x testme.sh ./testme.sh

On some tests you may need to use sudo to succeed.


The following variables are supported:


List of packages to install via apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.


Including from terminal.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K -e
"{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"

Including on a playbook.

  • hosts: servers roles:
    • role: constrict0r.aptitude packages:
      • gedit
      • rolldice

To a playbook from terminal.

ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e
"{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"


List of packages to purge using apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_purge array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.


Including from terminal.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K -e
"{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"

Including on a playbook.

  • hosts: servers roles:
    • role: constrict0r.aptitude packages_purge:
      • gedit
      • rolldice

To a playbook from terminal.

ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e
"{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file that contains all or some of the variables supported by this role.

It is recommended to use a .yml or .yaml extension for the configuration file.

This variable is empty by default.


Using file path.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K -e

Using URL.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.aptitude -K -e

To see how to write a configuration file see the YAML file format section.


When passing configuration files to this role as parameters, it’s recommended to add a .yml or .yaml extension to the each file.

It is also recommended to add three dashes at the top of each file:


You can include in the file the variables required for your tasks:


packages: - [gedit, rolldice]

If you want this role to load list of items from files and URLs you can set the expand variable to true:


packages: /home/username/my-config.yml

expand: true

If the expand variable is false, any file path or URL found will be treated like plain text.


On the item level you can use attributes to configure how this role handles the items data.

The attributes supported by this role are:


Boolean value indicating if treat this item as a file path or URL or just treat it as plain text.


packages: - item_expand: true item_path: /home/username/my-config.yml


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file.


packages: - item_path: /home/username/my-config.yml

This attribute also works with URLs.


  • Ansible <https://www.ansible.com>_ >= 2.8.

  • Jinja2 <https://palletsprojects.com/p/jinja/>_.

  • Pip <https://pypi.org/project/pip/>_.

  • Python <https://www.python.org/>_.

  • PyYAML <https://pyyaml.org/>_.

  • Requests <https://2.python-requests.org/en/master/>_.

If you want to run the tests, you will also need:

  • Docker <https://www.docker.com/>_.

  • Molecule <https://molecule.readthedocs.io/>_.

  • Setuptools <https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/>_.


  • Debian Buster <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBuster>_.

  • Debian Raspbian <https://raspbian.org/>_.

  • Debian Stretch <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianStretch>_.

  • Ubuntu Xenial <http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/>_.


MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details.


  • Github <https://github.com/constrict0r/aptitude>_.

  • Gitlab <https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/aptitude>_.

  • Gitlab CI <https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/aptitude/pipelines>_.

  • Readthedocs <https://aptitude.readthedocs.io>_.

  • Travis CI <https://travis-ci.com/constrict0r/aptitude>_.



The full project structure is shown below:

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/deploy.png :alt: deploy


The project data flow is shown below:

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/main.png :alt: main


.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/author.png :alt: author

The Travelling Vaudeville Villain.


.. image:: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/img/raw/master/aptitude/enjoy.png :alt: enjoy

ansible-galaxy install constrict0r/aptitude
GitHub repository
The Traveling Vaudeville Villain Gitlab: gitlab.com/constrict0r - Blog: geekl0g.wordpress.com - Twitter: twitter.com/constrict0r - Functional Café: is.gd/YDqy