
Linuxbrew (ctorgalson.linuxbrew)

Manually installs linuxbrew, brew packages, and taps on Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora to avoid piping a shell script to sh :)

The role assumes that it could be run in a playbook that uses become: true, so it requires the name of a non-root user to run brew commands safely. For other tasks--such as installing dependencies using apt--it uses become to escalate privileges. The result is, it should work regardless of the value of ansible_user, as long as the {{ lb__owner }} user exists.

Credit to markosamuli for a good Linuxbrew role that didn't quite match up with my needs. I've used that role as the basis for this one (and probably introduced my own mistakes).


The role is broken down into three tasks files:


This file:

  • checks if brew already exists,
  • includes install.yml when brew does not yet exist,
  • includes packages.yml when the lb__packages variable is not empty, or either of the two variables lb__update_homebrew_when_installing_packages, or lb__upgrade_all_when_installing_packages is true.
  • includes any number of shell-configuration (or other) task files provided in lb__shell_configuration_tasks.


This file:

  • installs dependencies using apt,
  • creates required Linuxbrew directories,
  • clones the main and core Homebrew repos,
  • symlinks the brew binary,
  • installs the portable-ruby package.


This file:

  • updates brew itself when lb__update_homebrew_when_installing_packages is true,
  • updates all brew packages when lb__upgrade_all_when_installing_packages is true,
  • installs any brew packages defined in lb__packages,
  • installs any brew taps defined in lb__taps.


No special requirements.

Role Variables


Name Type Default Description
lb__prefix string /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew Location for all brew related files.
lb__brew string {{ lb__prefix }}/bin/brew Path to the brew binary.
lb__homebrew_dir string {{ lb__prefix }}/Homebrew Path to the Homebrew repo directory.
lb__homebrew_core_dir string {{ lb__prefix }}/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew-core Path to the Homebrew core repo directory.
lb__directories list See vars/main.yml List of directories to be created in lb__prefix dir.
lb__repos list See vars/main.yml List of repos to be cloned during install. Each item must have repo, dest, and version properties suitable for ansible.builtin.git.
lb__dependencies list See vars/main.yml List of apt packages required for brew install and use.


Name Type Default Description
lb__owner string {{ ansible_user }} The name of the owner for the {{ lb__prefix }} directory and contents.
lb__group string {{ ansible_user }} The name of the group for the {{ lb__prefix }} directory and contents.
lb__shell_configuration_tasks list [] A list of paths to Ansible task include files to be run after the basic installation.
lb__update_homebrew_when_installing_packages boolean true Whether or not to update brew when installing new pacakges.
lb__upgrade_all_when_installing_packages boolean true Whether or not to upgrade Linuxbrew package when installing new pacakges.
lb__packages list [] A list of Linuxbrew packages to install. Each item must specify a name property, and can have optional state, path, and install_options properties suitable for
lb__taps list [] A list of Linuxbrew taps to install. Each item must specify a name property, and can have state, path, and url properties suitable for


This role relies on the collection for the homebrew and homebrew_tap modules.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    lb__owner: "ctorgalson"
    lb__group: "{{ lb__owner }}"
      - name: "bottom"
        state: "present"
      - name: "starship"
        state: "present"

     - name: "Install and configure Linuxbrew, packages, and taps."
         name: "ctorgalson.linuxbrew"




Installs linuxbrew, brew packages, and taps on Ubuntu/Debian.

ansible-galaxy install ctorgalson/ansible-role-linuxbrew
GitHub repository