
Conjur Ansible Role

This Ansible role provides the ability to grant Conjur machine identity to a host. Once a host has an identity created by this role, secrets can be retrieved securely using the Summon tool.

  • To learn more about Conjur, give it a try.
  • To learn more about how Conjur can be integrated with Ansible, visit the Integration Documentation.
  • To learn more about Summon, the tool that lets you export secret values retrieved from Conjur to your applications with, visit the Summon Webpage.
  • To learn more about other ways you can integrate with Conjur, visit the Conjur documentation.


  • Conjur v1+ or Conjur Enterprise (formerly DAP) v10+
  • Conjur Enterprise v4
  • Ansible v2.8

If you are using Ansible v2.9+, please consider using our Ansible Collection instead.

Using ansible-conjur-host-identity with Conjur Open Source

Are you using this project with Conjur Open Source? Then we strongly recommend choosing the version of this project to use from the latest Conjur OSS suite release. Conjur maintainers perform additional testing on the suite release versions to ensure compatibility. When possible, upgrade your Conjur version to match the latest suite release; when using integrations, choose the latest suite release that matches your Conjur version. For any questions, please contact us on Discourse.

Usage instructions

Install the Conjur role using the following command in your playbook directory:

$ ansible-galaxy install cyberark.conjur-host-identity

The Conjur role provides a method to “Conjurize” or establish the Conjur identity of a remote node with Ansible. The node can then be granted least-privilege access to retrieve the secrets it needs in a secure manner.

Role Variables

  • conjur_appliance_url *: The URL of the Conjur / Conjur Enterprise instance you are connecting to. When connecting to an HA Conjur Enterprise master cluster, this would be the URL of the master load balancer.
  • conjur_account *: The account name for the Conjur instance you are connecting to.
  • conjur_host_factory_token *: Host Factory token for layer enrollment. This should be specified in the environment on the Ansible controlling host.
  • conjur_host_name *: Name of the host identity for the host factory to create.
  • conjur_ssl_certificate: The PEM-encoded x509 CA certificate chain for the Conjur Enterprise instance you are connecting to. This value may be obtained by running the command:
    $ openssl s_client -showcerts -servername [CONJUR_DNS_NAME] -connect [CONJUR_DNS_NAME]:443 < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  • conjur_validate_certs: Boolean value to indicate whether the client should validate the Conjur server certificates.
  • summon.version: Version of Summon to install. Default is 0.8.3.
  • summon_conjur.version: Version of Summon-Conjur provider to install. Default is 0.5.3.

The variables marked with * are required fields. The other variables are required for running with an HTTPS Conjur endpoint, but are not required if you run with an HTTP Conjur endpoint.

Example Playbook

Configure a remote node with a Conjur identity and Summon:

- hosts: servers
    - role: cyberark.conjur-host-identity
      conjur_appliance_url: '',
      conjur_account: 'myorg',
      conjur_host_factory_token: "{{lookup('env', 'HFTOKEN')}}",
      conjur_host_name: "{{inventory_hostname}}"

This example:

  • Registers the host with Conjur, adding it into the layer specific to the provided host factory token.
  • Installs Summon with the Summon-Conjur provider for secret retrieval from Conjur.

Summon & Service Managers

With Summon installed, using Conjur with a Service Manager (like SystemD) becomes a snap. Here's a simple example of a SystemD file connecting to Conjur:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/summon --yaml 'DB_PASSWORD: !var staging/demoapp/database/password' /usr/local/bin/myapp

The example above uses Summon to retrieve the password stored in staging/myapp/database/password, set it to an environment variable DB_PASSWORD, and provide it to the demo application process. Using Summon, the secret is kept off disk. If the service is restarted, Summon retrieves the password again as the application is started.




  • Important: Add no_log: true to each play that uses sensitive data, otherwise that data can be printed to the logs.
  • Set the Ansible files to minimum permissions. Ansible uses the permissions of the user that runs it.


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Copyright (c) 2020 CyberArk Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

This repository is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see LICENSE for more details.


Grants Conjur machine identity to hosts

ansible-galaxy install cyberark/ansible-conjur-host-identity
GitHub repository
CyberArk, the undisputed leader in Privileged Account Security, secures secrets used by machines and users to protect traditional and cloud-native apps.