Proof of Concept for the CVE-2018-19788
Ansible role to check the vulnerability tracked as CVE-2018-19788 that impacts PolicyKit version 0.115
which comes pre-installed on a wide range of Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Red Hat, CentOs, to mention a few.
Minimum required ansible version 2.4.0
Role Variables
# The user name to be provisioned to execute the exploit
CVE_2018_19788_test_user: cve_test
# The UID assigned to CVE_2018_19788_test_user (must be equal or greater than 2147483647)
CVE_2018_19788_test_user_uid: 2147483669
# Set the proper privileged group for your distro. Please check the compatibilty matrix for the supported systems
CVE_2018_19788_privileged_group: wheel
# Flag to No to avoid checking and rendering the list of users able to leverage the CVE-2018-19788 vunerability
CVE_2018_19788_list_explotable_users: Yes
# Flag to No if you need to run further testing with the test account;
# Beaware that if your system is vulnerable, this account could become a problem
CVE_2018_19788_remove_test_user: Yes
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: all
- { role: d4gh0s7.cve_2018_19788 }
CC0 1.0