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Ansible Role: nodejs

Role to install (by default) nodejs package or uninstall (if passed as var) on Debian based systems and EL based systems. nodejs is a JavaScript runtime environment. npm & npx are also installed as part of this role. The default version is set to install version 18.x of NodeJS unless explicitly specified to install any other specific version as the repository's source is based on that.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below (located in defaults/main.yml):

Variables List:

nodejs_app: nodejs
nodejs_app_desired_state: present
nodejs_version: 18.x

# Debian family based
  - apt-transport-https
  - gnupg
nodejs_debian_pre_reqs_desired_state: present
nodejs_repo_debian: "deb{{ nodejs_version }} {{ ansible_lsb['codename'] }} main"
nodejs_repo_debian_filename: "{{ nodejs_app }}"
nodejs_repo_debian_desired_state: present

# EL family based
nodejs_repo_el: "{{ nodejs_version }}/el/{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}/$basearch"
nodejs_repo_el_name: nodesource
nodejs_repo_el_description: Node.js EL Family Repo
nodejs_repo_el_gpgcheck: yes
nodejs_repo_el_enabled: yes
nodejs_repo_el_filename: "{{ nodejs_app }}"
nodejs_repo_el_desired_state: present

Variables table:

Variable Description
nodejs_app Name of nodejs application package require to be installed i.e. nodejs
nodejs_app_desired_state State of the nodejs_app package. Whether to install, verify if available or to uninstall (i.e. ansible apt module values: present, latest, or absent)
nodejs_version Version of NodeJS to install.
nodejs_debian_pre_reqs NodeJS recommends the installation of both these packages on Debian family systems and as such, they are considered pre-requisites.
nodejs_debian_pre_reqs_desired_state Desired state for NodeJS pre-requisite apps on Debian family systems.
nodejs_repo_debian_gpg_key NodeJS GPG key required on Debian family systems
nodejs_repo_debian NodeJS repo URL for Debain family systems. Utilized facts such as ansible_lsb['codename'].
nodejs_repo_debain_filename Name of the repository file that will be stored at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ on Debian based systems.
nodejs_repo_debian_desired_state present indicates creating the repository file if it doesn't exist on Debian based systems. Alternative is absent (not recommended as it will prevent from installation of nodejs package).
nodejs_repo_el Repository baseurl for NodeJS on EL based systems. Utilizes ansible_distribution_major_version ansible fact to set appropriate version of EL system.
nodejs_repo_el_name Repository name for NodeJS on EL based systems.
nodejs_repo_el_description Description to be added in EL based repository file for NodeJS.
nodejs_repo_el_gpgkey NodeJS GPG key required on EL family systems
nodejs_repo_el_gpgcheck Boolean for whether to perform gpg check against NodeJS on EL based systems.
nodejs_repo_el_enabled Boolean to set so that NodeJS repository is enabled on EL based systems.
nodejs_repo_el_filename Name of the repository file that will be stored at /yum/sources.list.d/nodejs.repo on EL based systems.
nodejs_repo_el_desired_state present indicates creating the repository file if it doesn't exist on EL based systems. Alternative is absent (not recommended as it will prevent from installation of nodejs package).



Example Playbook

For default behaviour of role (i.e. installation of nodejs package) in ansible playbooks.

- hosts: servers
    - darkwizard242.nodejs

For customizing behavior of role (i.e. installing 12.x version of nodejs as an example) in ansible playbooks.

- hosts: servers
    - darkwizard242.nodejs
    nodejs_version: 14.x

For customizing behavior of role (i.e. un-installation of nodejs package) in ansible playbooks.

- hosts: servers
    - darkwizard242.nodejs
    nodejs_apps_desired_state: absent



Author Information

This role was created by Ali Muhammad.


Installs/Uninstalls 'nodejs'. A JavaScript runtime environment.

ansible-galaxy install darkwizard242/ansible-role-nodejs
GitHub repository
Senior DevOps/CloudOps Engineer. Dedicated to Automating everything I come across. Love to work on and learn new technologies/tools everyday!