
Ansible Role: ad_group

This role creates the specified Active Directory (AD) group in the Organizational Unit (OU) specified. It can also add users and other groups to the group. When used to add users/groups to an existing group it will only add the users/groups specified. It will NOT remove users/groups currently in the group. Therefore, this role can not be used to remove users/groups from a group but it can be used to delete the specified group.


This role requires that the Active Directory module for PowerShell be installed on a Windows server. The server with the AD module installed also needs to have WinRM configured for use with Ansible.

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
ad_group_name None Name of the group in Active Directory. Required
ad_group_description None Description of the group. Optional
ad_group_ou None OU that the group is located in. Needs to be in Distinguished Name Format. For example OU=school-teachers,OU=1885,DC=fluxcapacitor,DC=com. Required
ad_group_membership_users [] List of users to add to the group. Specify users with their UPN (UserPrincipalName) which is usually their email address. This should be specified as a list in yaml format. Optional
ad_group_membership_groups [] List of groups to add the the group. Groups need to be listed with their Distinguished Name. This should be specified as a list in yaml format. Optional
ad_domain None Domain to create the group in.
ad_group_state present If the group should be deleted specify absent. For example ad_group_state=absent
domain_username {{ ansible_user }} By default the value of {{ansible_user}} which is the user connecting through WinRM will be used. If a different user is required to create/modify/delete the group then specify that user here.
domain_password {{ ansible_password }} By default the value of {{ansible_password}} which is the user connecting through WinRM will be used. If a different user is required to create/modify/delete the group then specify that user's password here.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all

  - name: Create the AD group travelers
      name: ad_group
      ad_group_name: travelers
      ad_group_description: time travelers
      ad_group_ou: OU=school-teachers,OU=1885,DC=fluxcapacitor,DC=com
      ad_group_membership_users: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']

NOTE Due to the time it can take for replication to occur in Active Directory the role sets the fact (variable) domain_controller that is available after the role executes. It is recommended to use this value in your playbook if wanting to interact with the newly created group in some way. Since it can't be guaranteed that the group will be fully replicated throughout the domain but the time the role completes.



Author Information

Darren Swart


Creation of Active Directory groups as well as group membership

ansible-galaxy install darrenswart/ansible-role-ad_group
GitHub repository