
Role Name: NODEJS

Build Status

NodeJS installer for Linux. Includes node-build and nodenv-vars plugins by default for installing Node.js versions and per-project environment variables respectively.



Role Variables

All of the listed variables are defined in defaults/main.yml. Individual variables can be set or overridden by setting them in a playbook for this role.

  • nodenv_version: ( default: latest )
    • nodenv version to install
  • nodebuild_version: ( default: latest )
    • node-build version to install
  • nodenvvars_version: ( default: latest )
    • nodenv-vars version to install
  • init_shell: ( default: yes )
    • Configure shell to load nodenv
  • global_nodejs_version: ( default: "" )
    • Version of Node.js to use by default
  • nodejs_versions: ( default: [] )
    • List of Node.js versions to install
  • plugins: ( default: [] )
    • List of plugins to install, specified as a list of:
      • name: plugin name
      • repo: plugin github repository
      • version: plugin version, specify "latest" for HEAD



Example Playbook

Example below for the following:

  • Installation of specific versions of nodenv
  • Installation of specific version of Node.js
  • Installation of the nodenv-default-packages nodenv plugin
- hosts: servers
      - deluxebrain.python
        nodenv_version: 1.3.1
        global_nodenv_version: 12.3.1
            - 12.3.1
          - name: nodenv-default-packages
            version: latest

Development Installation

Packages are split into development and production dependencies, which are managed through the included files requirements-dev.txt and requirements.txt respectively.

Production packages are managed through the pip-tools suite, which installs and synchronizes the project dependencies through the included file.

# Create project virtual environment
# Install development dependencies into virtual environment
make install

pip-tools is responsible for the generation of the requirements.txt which is a fully pinned requirements file used for both synchronizing the Python virtual environment and for the installation of packages within a production environment.

Note that this means that the requirements.txt file should not be manually edited and must be regenerated every time the file is changed. This is done as follows, which also synchronizes any package changes into the virtual environment:

# Compile the file to requirements.txt
# Install the requirements.txt pacakges into the virtual environment
make sync

pip-tools and other development requirements are installed through the requirements-dev.txt file, as follows:

Role usage

NodeJS versions are managed through nodenv.

nodenv allows you to use multiple Node versions on your machine.

# Install specific Node version
nodenv install 12.3.1

# Create project directory
mkdir ~/my-project && cd $_

# Configure the project to use specific Node version
nodenv local 12.3.1   # creates .node-version

Package management using npm

The use of npm for creating a new project is demonstated in the following example:

npx license mit > LICENSE     # Generate license file
npx gitignore node            # Specify .gitignore
npx covgen <EMAIL_ADDRESS>    # Specify Code of Conduct email address
npm init -y                   # Initialize project
npm install <package>

Note that npx should be used in preference to installing packages globally.

Other tools


nodenv-vars is a plugin for nodenv that allow for per-project application environment variables.

Its use is demonstrated in the following example:

echo FOO=BAR >> .nodenv-vars
$ nodenv vars
export FOO='BAR'



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by deluxebrain.


Node.js installer for Linux

ansible-galaxy install deluxebrain/ansible-role-nodejs
GitHub repository