

Quay Ansible

This role is intended to install Quay and its dependencies on a single system using the basic installation method.


Before running:

  1. Install required ansible collections
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  1. Install required ansible roles
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  1. Requires Ansible 2.7+ on the host executing these playbooks

  2. You should have sufficient storage allocated to the node to hold the downloaded images. This directory is defined in the group_vars/all as the QUAY_STORAGE_DIR. Default is /opt/quay/storage.


  • If this is the first time that you've installed Quay, you will need to go through the Quay configuration mode to create your config tarball. Do this by adding the following flag to the playbook -e QUAY_CONFIG=true
ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy.yml -b -e quay_config=true
  • If you've already run the config mode, or have a config tarball you can run the full deployment by referencing a configuration tarball. After running through the Quay config WebUI, copy the downloaded tarball to the ansible host and reference it with -e QUAY_CONFIG_TAR=<path to tarball>
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -i hosts -b -e QUAY_CONFIG_TAR=<path to quay config tarball>

Role Variables

Review the variables stored under group_vars/all to ensure that they align with your desired configurations. Default passwords are included here and should be changed or overwritten at run time.


Variable Name Default Description
clair_encrypt true
clair_endpoint "clair.dns.podman" The FQDN for your clair server, defaults to same as quay
clair_image ''
fips_enabled true
postgresql_db 'quay' The postgres clair database
postgresql_hostname 'postgresql-quay.dns.podman'
postgresql_password 'quaypass' The postgres admin user
postgresql_port 5432 Port to access postgres on
postgresql_quay_db clair The postgres clair database
postgresql_quay_user_password changeme The postgres quay user password
postgresql_quay_user quay The postgres clair database user
postgresql_user 'quayuser'
quay_config_mode false
quay_config_password changeme The password for the quay config UI
quay_config_port 8080 The port to access the quay configuration pod
quay_hostname ''
quay_http_port 80 The port to access Quay if TLS is not enabled
quay_https_port 443 The port to access Quay when TLS is enabled
quay_image '' The source and tag of Quay container
quay_redis_deploy true
quay_root_dir /opt/quay The directory where quay and clair configurations will be placed
quay_san ''
redis_hostname 'redis.dns.podman'
redis_password 'strongpassword' The password to set on deployed Redis

Documentation generated using: Ansible-autodoc


Role to deploy Red Hat quay on a single RHEL node

ansible-galaxy install dmc5179/ansible-role-quay-single-node
GitHub repository